Chapter 3

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The dark-haired man opened his eyes, seeing a ceiling already familiar to him. Still dizzy, he looked for the (h/c) nurse, but there was no sign of her in the room. Gaston decided to wait, closing his eyes again, waiting for (Y/n) to appear with that shy smile that seemed bright on any bad day.

Suddenly, the door opened showing the girl holding a tray with some bandages and herbs, singing quietly, distracted. The man decided to mess with the girl, closing his eyes to look like he's sleeping. Meanwhile, the little one sat on the edge of the man's bed and took off the cover on his chest, blushing till the roots of his hair. When she was taking off his old bandages her fingers touched his torso, making her heart flutter. Right as she finished, she began to clean the wound, using the herbs on the wounds as soon as she took all the dried blood off. The man couldn't stop thinking about how much it was burning, trying to be as strong as possible to continue immovable, but that was becoming harder by the second.

(Y/n) tried to be focused on Gaston as best she could, it was tricky trying to bandage such a big guy when he was asleep. Facing his hairy chest, she realized that her hand was resting on his belly, she pulled her hand away from him quickly, blushing hard. Gaston observed the attitude of the (h/c) and decided to "wake up". He opened his eyes, smiling smugly, staring at the girl for a while, waiting for her reaction. (Y/n) looked at his face, seeing him awake and getting surprised.

"G-G-Gaston!" The (h/c) got out of bed, looking anywhere but the brunette.

"How are you?" he smiled gallantly, trying to sit up.

"You c-c-can't get up yet!" (Y/n) pushed the man to lie down again.

The girl noticed she had her hands on his torso, so she tried to get away from him as fast as possible, but Gaston gripped her wrist and pulled her, causing the (h/c) to fall on top of him, their faces so close that just a little movement and their lips would touch. And he tried to, but the girl moved away, she knew that if she kissed him, she wouldn't resist and would be something without love from his side.

Suddenly, three blondes walked in the door, shouting for the man. (Y/n) got out of the way, making room for the three.

"Gaston, are you ok?" the three asked together.

Before the brunette could answer, the older one spoke.

"Sisters! He is hurt, watch out!" the girl pulled the three by the clothes, getting off of Gaston.

"Are you the sister of these three?!" Gaston whispered a little loudly.

The nurse laughed softly.

"Yes." (Y/n) put her hand in front of her mouth to mask her smile.

"We were so worried!" one of the three said with tears in her eyes "We thought that, as Belle is already married, you can choose one of the three of us to marry!"

"Of course, I'll choose one of you four." he smiled, staring at (Y/n), who just looked frightened at the man.

"Four?!" the three triplets asked, staring at the brunette confused.

"Yes, I think (Y/n) should be included in that too, don't you?" Gaston looked at the (h/c) with a not so innocent face.

"N-n-no, I-I-I" the nurse tried to say, but her sisters interrupted her.

"Why she? She is so bland." one of the twins said.

"She's weird." Another said.

"And especially, she has no style!" the last one said, making tears form in the (h/c)'s eyes.

Embarrassed and humiliated, the girl gave a weak smile and made an excuse to leave that room as soon as possible, leaving Gaston worried, but with the attention that the three women were giving him, made him leave her aside for a few minutes.

Later, the man noticed he was unattended for a long time, but decided to wait until the nurse returned. When she finally arrived, her head was down, her eyes were swollen and she was holding a tray with his lunch. (Y/n) placed the tray on his lap, as the dark-haired man was already seated, and she sat in the chair next to him.

"I believe you can already eat by yourself." the (h/c) said looking across the room, hiding her face from Gaston.

"(Y/n)." the girl's face turned slowly "I don't think you're anything your sisters said." The man put his hand on hers, which was resting at her thigh.

(Y/n) just looked at Gaston, smiling, her eyes again filled with water.

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