"What do you mean?" Rose asked as her olive eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat.

If Caliana knew Korian's location then one problem would be solved...

"Nothing!" She squeaked as her pillow-like red lips snapped shut and her cheeks flushed a little - although it was hard to tell, as her skin was very bronzed.

"Caliana do you know where Korian is?" Rose demanded as she grabbed the poor girls wrist who looked like she was about to flee.

"Look I really cannot tell you. I may have... overheard something a few years ago when I was hiding from Nijah, but she literally paid me to never tell another breathing soul!"

Rose pitied Caliana who was starting to sweat and hyperventilate.

"Caliana... dear Caliana. I would never want to put you in an uncomfortable situation, but I just know in my heart that if I knew where Korian is I will have peace and be able to sleep at night. Of course I would never tell anyone, and it would really help me to... to move on from him. Please Caliana..." Rose begged, feeling bad for manipulating her.

"Oh Rosilabeth... I do not know, Nijah explicitly told me not to tell you..."

"Please Caliana... I have already given you my word that I will not tell anyone, and it is not like I will ever go to him - I have guards following me around all day and I have no... Love... left for him. I just know that if I know where he is locked up, then my heart will find solace as I know he will not be able to get out and hurt me again."

Caliana sighed audibly and looked down the corridor to make sure they were alone before continuing. "Please do not make me regret this Rose. I am unsure of the exact location but I know that he is locked away in a secret prison in the desert on Cobra Mountain. Everyone thinks it has been abandoned for years but it is actually the most high security prison in the land. Even if he managed to escape - which is impossible - he would not survive the journey home without adequate food or water as it is days away. So there you have it, you do not need to worry Rosilabeth."

"Thank you thank you!" Rose exclaimed feeling a weight lifting off her shoulders and like she could cry.

Maybe there was someone in the heavens looking out for her after all.

"It is ok Rosilabeth; I hope you have peace now. Just please, please do not tell anyone. Nijah will never trust me again."

Rose nodded although she could not quite look Caliana in the eyes. She was certainly fortunate that she was easy to manipulate.

"Although, I have heard about uncle Algernon's crazy scheme. I would not be surprised if they moved Korian soon. I know Nijah did order the construction of an underground prison so secure it would collapse if one of the prisoners escaped their cell." Caliana shrugged.

"Thank you so much for your help Caliana, I am indebted to you." Rose smiled warmly at her and squeezed her hand tight as she spoke.

"Of course Rosilabeth, we are sisters." She winked.

"Yes. Yes we are." Rose smiled back; glad to have found a pocket of peace in the midst of chaos.

Caliana ended up walking with Rose back to her quarters, and Rose realised that she had been avoiding the Princess, writing her off as close-minded and silly, when she was actually a little lonely. Rose knew from first hand experience how toxic the lifestyle and people could be when around Royalty. It was rare to find true friends.

Rose could almost say she felt better after talking to Caliana, until they reached her room and she saw one of the guards who cornered and assaulted her earlier posted outside. She nearly tripped in shock and gulped as he smiled cruelly at her.

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