The tightening in my chest has long since become painful. Jude looks rough. His story fits, and it explains his absence.

"He's in the field with Rob doing a sweep to take the rogues out," Sara confirms. Jude snarls and shakes his head.

"It's a trap. Rob planned the whole damn thing! There's a second group of rogues sweeping in behind them. Rob's planning to kill Chris and take over Still Waters." Jude's insight chills me to the core. All the pieces are fitting together and the picture isn't pretty.

I turn to Sara. "You need to go and warn him."

"I can't. He's ordered me to guard you," she replies. Her jaw clenches as her mind no doubt races, looking for a different option.

"Fine, then use your loopholes. I'm going to him, so you better come with me to keep me from dying." I shrug and raise a brow, waiting for her to take the bait.

"He's going to kill me," she groans. Her gaze loses focus as she no doubt links the pack.

Claire's there in an instant as warriors pull in from various areas.

"Put everyone on lockdown, get doc ready for the worst-case scenario. You're in charge. Everything goes through Claire, no questions asked, understood?!" Sara's command is unmistakable as everyone replies in unison, 'Yes, head warrior'.

Her attention snaps to me. "Get dressed and arm up—heavy jeans and that canvas coat will be most durable." I nod and take off while she issues more orders.

I'm back down in record time, wearing the dark thick jeans and canvas coat Mack left me. There are pockets everywhere for daggers, which I carefully tuck the six she had given me into. My hair is in a quick braid to keep it away from my face, and I've slung my bow and quiver over my shoulder. My chest tightens painfully, but I keep pushing it away to focus on the here and now.

"It's not the most dignified way to travel, but you'll be riding Luke. Wild, we can get there in a fraction of the time. You are not to engage. Do you understand me?" Her tone leaves zero room to wiggle.

"Shadow you're up." She nods at Jude. "You are attached, got it?" Her eyes flash dangerously as she finishes doling out orders. We take half of the warriors shifted while the rest protect the pack house. Luke steps up and bows to help me on.

I've ridden my share of horses, even an elephant at the circus once, but this is my first pony-sized wolf.

"Hold on here." Claire points to two spots on his scruff just above his shoulder blades. "Wolf back isn't a smooth ride, but it's the fastest." Her regularly calm facade is creased with worry.

"We'll get them back," I promise. She brings a trembling hand to her lips, blinks her teary gaze and nods.


The ride is indeed bumpy and I need all of my concentration to keep from falling off. I call Eric on the way, looking for any way to buy them time.

"What's wrong, Luna?" His voice is tense, not hiding his concern.

"They're walking into a trap. Is Chris anywhere near you?" I can't help the desperation in my voice.

"Sorry, Luna, he has us anchoring their retreat, to mop up any rogues that try to run. He's got Rob-"

"Rob's the one behind this all!" I cut him off.

Eric snarls. "I knew he couldn't be trusted!"

"We're coming from the south, but I'm afraid we won't be in time," I trail off.

"He won't want you in danger," he warns.

"That makes two of us, but at any rate we're coming," I dismiss. I just pray we make it in time.

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