30. Unveiled

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"Forth..." the voice of a woman who called caught Forth's attention when he is about to ride his car. He will meet Beam and Thad at the mall to have their dinner.

Forth looked around and his face gone rigid when he saw the two people he least expected to see. He instantly wondered what the couple wanted.

"Forth...can we have a minute of your time?" the woman continued with his soft and pleading tone.

"What do you want this time?" Forth asked seriously.

"Forth...we are here to apologize with what we did and whatever we have said to you and to your lover" the man softly explained apologetically.

Forth just stared at the old couple's dull and seemed to be tired eyes.

"We are really hoping that you could find in your heart to forgive us. We have been blinded by the thought of having Sunny's money that we forgot that its not ours in the first place" the old woman added with her remorseful look.

Forth continued to stare at the couple while trying to gauge the sincerity and truthfulness in their words.

"We will understand if you wont believe us... we did despicable things to you...to Sunny and even to her son, we dont deserve your forgiveness" the woman continued and her eyes become teary.

Forth remained quite while the two are wiping the tears on their eyes while they continued to sniff.

"We were never a good parents to Sunny and we are so shameless to aim for Sunny's money for her son. Im so sorry Forth...its just that...we have nothing now. My pension is just enough for food...we have medicines to buy. We are so hopeless of where to get the money for our maintenance medicines" the man shamefully explained while his tears kept on wetting his eyes.

Forth's reserves faltered tremendously when he saw the tears in the old couple's eyes. He can feel the truthfulness in their tears and he cant help it but to pity the two.

"We are setting aside our shame and pride Forth... We have no one to help us now and even if we become so shameless bastards to you...still we will ask for your help" the woman pleaded.

Forth remained quite while he continued to stare at the already crying couple.

"Even just for the maintenance medicines Forth. My husband needed to take all his medicines and we cannot buy it all with just our pension...we also have monthly check ups and medical laboratories" the woman continued to beg to Forth.

The couple silently cried in hopelessness when Forth didnt say anything in response.

Forth heaved a sigh while he watched the two hugging and crying in each other arms.

"You've insulted not only me but also my lover" Forth spoke after several moment of being silent.

The two turned to him and gaped.

"We are so regretful of what we did. I know that everything that have happened to us now was because of what we did to you and your lover. We are appealing to your heart that we could be forgiven. We already know who is your lover and we are so afraid if he will totally cut us of all the necessities. We are already old Forth, we will not fight you...we are begging for your help now" the woman hopelessly explained.

Forth listened to the woman while trying to be open minded.

"Beam is not bad...he is just trying to protect Thad from you. Whatever he did, was just because you threatened us by taking away Thad from us" Forth explained with his serious tone.

"We have regreted what we did. I hope that Dr. Beam could forgive us" the man added with his remorseful voice.

"He will, as long as you wont threaten us again with my son" Forth instantly said.

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