29. Inevitable

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Beam and Forth finished all the transactions in the village before they all went back to the city. Thad was a little teary while looking back at their small house when they are about to leave. The house will just be taken cared by their neighbors including the orchard and their vegetable garden.

"Dont worry baby we will be back... If papa will not be busy with his work we will go home...dont be sad, it will always be our home" Beam lifted Thad on his lap and hugged him tight.

"Im sad P'Beam...but Im happy because we will be together. Can I cry P'Beam?" Thad asked softly while he is buried in Beams neck.

"Yes baby you can...P'Beam will hold you" Beam comforted the boy while Forth also wrapped his arms around Beam and Thad.

They all become quite and the boy's sniffs sounded inside the car.

Thad's shoulders trembled when he started to cry while Beam comforted Thad by gently rubbing the boy's back.

Beam and Forth alternately kissed Thads head while the boy continued to silently cry.

"Im okay now P'Beam...papa" Thad's hoarse voice interrupted their silence.

"You sure buddy? You can cry more if you want..." Forth whispered softly to his son.

"Im okay now papa...dont worry" Thad looked up to his father while he wiped his wet eyes.

Beam smiled at Thad and cupped his small face to place a kiss on his cute pointed nose.

"You are feeling okay now baby?" Beam tenderly asked.

"Yes P'Beam, Im not so sad now" Thad smiled and assured the two men even if he has a puffy eyes and red nose.

Beam and Forth smiled amd nodded before they hugged the boy tightly again. They remained quite during the whole ride to the private hangar where their plane is already waiting.

They looked forward for a new life that they will have together as a family.

Forth will claim his old life as an engineer and the CEO of the growing construction company. He will again be surrounded by corporate worlds not by the farm that he was so used to see everyday for seven years. He will be a husband to his Beam and a father who could provide his son's every needs.

Beam will face every struggles with people whom he love, this time he dont want to be alone like what he was used to during his research works. He will be a husband and wife to Forth, and a mother and father to Thad.

Their life looked brighter when the three of them are together. It seemed like they are braver amd bolder when they are with each other's side.

From the plane, they go directly to their new penthouse across Forths office. Thad is so ecstatic when they entered their new home.

It has the same view of the whole city at the crystal wall and it has a huge balcony with an infinity pool.

"P'Beam! Its so beautiful!" Thad yelled from the pool while Beam and Forth together with Beams bestfriends are inside. Thads voice is so full of astonishment and excitement.

"P'Beam...Papa...?!" Thad called for his fathers with urgency that they all abruptly turned to the panting boy.

"Yes baby?" Beam asked worriedly while Forth together with the others also looked so worried.

"Are we rich now papa?!" Thad asked curiously with his earnest tone and a knotted brow.

All their jaws dropped while looking so lost of the question from the confused boy.

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