Tee gives him a lot of excuses making him a bit sad. He wants to marry Tee as fast as he can.

"You don't want to marry me?" ask Tae almost sulking.

"it's not like that. Don't misinterpret my words. I want a happy wedding phi, not a rushed one. Not when we are still unstable because I don't want to ruin the best day of my life. When everything settled down, we will plan it together okay?"

Tee rubs Tae's cheek softly. Tae wants to jump to the sky listening that, he is more than happy with that answer. Tee is not rejecting him

"I need to wait for our wedding night?" ask Tae out of nowhere.

Tee glares at Tae for asking that kind of questions, Tae is full with Perverted thought! Well, he doesn't get any for months already, his body almost as pure as water.

"You are really a Pervert!" Tee pinches Tae's arm and leaves Tae alone. Tae laughs happily at the reaction, teasing Tee is always fun for him.


Marsha is persistent, she keeps coming to see Mika, even in Kindergarten too. Tee stays with Mika when Marsha wants to talk to him.

"Mika, you want to sit with mommy?" Marsha gives her hand for Mika to take it but Mika shakes his head, he doesn't want it.

Marsha keeps her effort and try some more but Mika turns his head and hug Tee.

"Baby, talk with mommy" Tee consoles his son but Mika still doesn't want it. Tee remembers Tae told him to never force Mika to see Marsha.

"I want to talk to you" Marsha huffs and turn to look at Tee, she is disgusted with Tee.

"okay, wait for awhile" Tee lifts Mika and enter the class, he gives Mika to Peach and said he needs to talk to Marsha.

"No Tee, I don't think it's good idea." Peach doesn't want Mika to talk with Marsha alone, she is unstable.

"It's okay, I'm sure she just want to talk, maybe about Mika" Tee reason out, Peach sighs, Tee always think about people nicely, well except Tae, in the past.

"No Tee. Don't trust people easily" warns Peach more, Tee laughs a bit, he remembered Tae also told him that.

"Don't worry" Tee kiss Mika's head before he go out to talk to Marsha at the garden.

"what take you so long? Feeding hates stuff to my son?" Marsha slash at him as soon as she see Tee's face.

Tee breaths calmly, he is not here to fight but for a normal discussion that will bring good for both of them.

"Look, miss, I think it's better if you give Mika some times to calm down. I'm sure he will open up to you"

"Who are you to say that to me? That's my son! You don't deserve to be in Kreepolrek's family at all! You are a man, you can't get pregnant and you will ruin the name!" Marsha raise her voice bit by bit, Tee glances inside the building, his friends ask him to enter the class back.

Tee is calm, he is not affected with what Marsha said to him at all. Tae chose him and he glads to be in it. Tae wants to has his surname when they are married, Tae wants to change he and Mika's surname.

"I will talk to Mika and Phi Tae, I ask you, for now please wait till Mika is more accepting. I'm afraid with you keep coming, he will feel scared and choose to stay away from you. Kids mind is not like us" Tee replies softly hoping Marsha will understand what he meant.

Of course not! Marsha push Tee with her finger before she wipes it on her dress, Tee is that disgusting to her.

Tee starts to feel annoyed at how Marsha acted, so childish. He doesn't want to spend more time here because he is afraid he will be rude too.

"People like you don't deserve to be in Tae's family. I know you just want to has his wealth, right? Gold digger!" spats Marsha, Tee fake a cough and look away.

"I'm sorry but, are you talking about yourself?" ask Tee monotone, his patience is running low.

Marsha snaps at it, how dare Tee said that to her.

"Miss, I still have works to do. If you excuse me, I need to go" Tee moves to leave but Marsha stops him by pulling his shirt harshly.

"how dare you be rude to me?!" Tee looks at Marsha with a blank face, who is the one who is rude here?

"I'm sorry for being rude, excuse me" Tee wants to leave once again before a slap hits Tee's right cheek. It even leave mark and bleeds because of the nail.

Tee is surprised, Star comes out fast to get Tee who is still stun because a slap on his face.

"You b...." Star want to slap Marsha back but Tee stops her.

"Ugh! Wait till Mr Tae look at this, you will be dead!" spats Star while showing Tee's bruised cheek.

Star pulls Tee's hand to enter the class back. She is fuming with anger, Tee just follow like a kid.

Star is right, Tae will not be happy with this.

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