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I was positive that I had seen someone toss a heavy McDonald's bag into this dumpster.
As I raked through some sheetrock and dirt I could smell the faint aroma of what I was positive was a Big Mac. I only hoped there were a few fries to go with it.
My stmoch growled. "Yeah, I know." I wiped my grime covered hand across my dirty face smearing God knows what into my beautiful rainbow hair.
I loved color.
The dreary grey and wet of Seattle offered little cheerful color. So I made up for it by adding every color of the rainbow to my hair.
It was easy enough to snag hair colors from the old Barrels around the corner.
You just had to plan it right.

I heard some shouting and then a bunch of men laughing inside the old building that this dumpster belonged to. I was thankful that it sounded like it was on the top floor. That was a good sign. Hopefully nobody to bother me.
I'm small for my age. I've been told it's because of malnourishment. I don't care. I may be ten years old, maybe even small, but I can take care of myself. The streets have their dangers, but those are not guaranteed. Dangers at home are always guaranteed. It doesn't matter how nice people pretend to be, that's all it is, pretending. The moment you ask for something as simple as a glass of water or make a face, SMACK! A hand across the face. You could simply want to go to bed and CRACK! A fist to the side of the head.
So I just left when I was eight years old and have never gone back. Well...not willingly. The Coppers will occasionally catch me and return me to them but I just go to my room and slip out before the cops have even left the living room.
I figured if adults can do whatever they want and to whomever they want, I can too. So I live on the streets. I do my best to avoid much interaction with people and only eat freshly tossed out food.
Sometimes I go to the charity events for a hot meal and I'll fill the pockets of my ladybug rain jacket. I snagged it and some matching ladybug rain boots from a yard sale.
I finally found the McDonald's bag and let out an annoyed groan. Only empty wrappings and empty cups.
I got mad. I do naughty things when I'm mad. I shot an evil smile up at the building and started my misbehaviour with glee.
An hour into my work and I heard some shouting from above me.
"Hey!! Stop that! You, little girl!"
Crap! Id been seen!

Caught Red HandedWhere stories live. Discover now