"That soooo isn't fair Gwendolyn Dahlia Holloway." He said. I shrugged and walked past him.

"I didn't hear anything about setting boundaries Alexander William Gaskarth." I teased and walked away. I heard him groan and that caused me to smile. I was definitely going to win this.

"You're a strong boy Alex, you can last!" I yelled and walked out of the bus. For some reason I just wanted to walk around warped today. Enjoy a change in scenery I guess.

"Oh my god! Is that Gwen Holloway!" I spun around and there was a group of girls smiling and one screamed. They all ran forward and I heard a whole bunch of questions "can you sign this?" Or "are you really Alex Gaskarth's girlfriend?" Or "what's it like." I wasn't used to all of this attention. I didn't know that I was known.

I think I signed 12 pieces of paper today. I don't know. Those girls were really nice, then came the mean girls. Not like the movie, they just saw me and gave me dirty looks or whispered something to their friends. They looked like 12 so they needed to stop. So it didn't really bother me like it would bother most band member girlfriends/wives.

"HEY GWEN!" I turned around and saw Alex and Jack walking towards me at a fast pace. I decided to meet them half way and started walking.

"So I thought that your leg is healing good and thought that maybe you'd like to watch side stage today?" Jack said and put his arm around me. Alex wouldn't say anything because he was to busy drooling. I'm liking this already.

"Watching you guys has nothing to do with my leg, but yes I will." I answered and walked with them. I looked at Alex an grabbed his hand.

"It's been," Jack looked down at his phone and smiled "an hour and a half and you've already managed to turn him on." Jack finished with a laugh.

"Who wouldn't be turned on by her?" Alex retorted and rolled his eyes. He was being extra sassy today.

"ALEX!! JACK!!" We all turned around to see Matt coming towards us. He looked in a rush.

"I've been looking for you guys everywhere! Now c'mon go go go you're on in 10 minutes!" He yelled and pushed Alex and Jack towards the stage.

Matt pushed us the whole way there until Alex was being handed a guitar and I was sitting on side stage.

The set went on without a problem, Alex and Jack made dick jokes, I think they broke stuff to. The amount of bras thrown on stage definitely scared me. I didn't know girls could be that forward. Jack even put on one of the bras and wore it for the rest of the set.

"This is our last song." Alex said breathless.

"AND I WANNA HEAR YOU SEXY MOTHERFUCKERS SINGING ALONG!" Alex yelled. The crowd screamed louder then they did through the whole set and I smiled.

I got you picture I'm coming with you dear Maria count me in

There's a story at the bottom of this bottle and I'm the pen.

I swayed back and forth to the song and watched as Alex ran back and forth with the microphone and running back to the microphone stand to place it back to play his guitar.

"THANK YOU! You guys are an amazing crowd." He said as he walked off the stage. He opened his arms and started towards me

"Oh no you don't." I said and fast walked away from him.

"After you shower." I said and pinched my nose. He pouted and quickly shrugged and grabbed my hand and walked back to the bus.

He went into the shower and I was left sitting there reading a book. I don't know what book, just a book.

After about a half an hour Alex walked back out with a towel hung around his hips and wet hair all over the place. He gave me a strange look and looked at the book "Why are you reading Pride & Prejudice?"

I looked at the cover and shrugged "I don't even think I was reading it, I don't even know." I said and closed the book. He smiled and walked towards me.

"You know?" He said as he walked closer.

"You look hot with red lipstick on," he started. As soon as he started with the comments I knew what he was doing. He was trying to get me to kiss him first so that he could blame me for not lasting. Clever Gaskarth.

"And when your hair is up...wow," he continued and inched closer.

"Is there a reason why you're doing this?" I asked as our faces were mere inches apart. He smiled "because Jack was right. How long has it been?" I looked over at the clock hanging on the wall and when I looked back he was smiling. "Four hours." I answered shakily. The close proximity was making me really nervous.

He backed up a little and smirked. "Wait why'd you back up?" I whined.

"Because I don't think I can control myself." He said with a shrug "you're just so damn hot." He said.

"That's ok!" I said quickly. Maybe I said that to quickly and to enthusiastically. He raised an eyebrow and turned towards me. I wasn't expecting it, but the next move he made was closing the growing gap between us and pushing me against the wall. "Looks like we both lost." He said and kissed me.

The City Comes Alive When We're Together  (An Alex Gaskarth love story)Where stories live. Discover now