Chapter 8

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Lukas paced back and forth, he is waiting for Jesse to arrive with Petra. He never really agreed taking Petra with them: he's worried that she'd get herself in a sticky situation. But Jesse protested that Petra should come with, because she wanted to help them find Soren, Maya and Aiden. Ivor was a bit skeptical at first about the idea of going out and exploring the abandoned facility. But he only agreed to come with because of Soren; they got really close to each other even before the apocalypse.

"Where are they?" Ellegaard asked.

"Fetching Petra shouldn't have taken this long!" Axel agreed.

"He's right! Especially when it comes to finding a cure for all this madness!" Gabriel said.

Lukas silently agreed as he looked outside the window, in hopes of seeing a red-haired warrior, running towards the temple; and a brown-haired leader trying to calm her down. Lukas smiled remembering the day he first met Petra.










A young boy raced through the forest, he was playing hide-and-seek with his BFF, Jess. Their parents allowed them to play outside for a while; but they have to be careful about the potential danger, even though their village is nearby. "Lukas! Where are you?" Jess sang in a singing voice. As she searched the forest for him: her black hair is held by a yellow clip and she had a pet baby chicken on her head named Beaky. "Hhmmmmmm, where could Lukas be hiding?" Jesse asked Beaky. As she looked around the forest; it was hard to see due to the trees and tall grass. "Why did I volunteer to be a seeker Beaky?" Jesse sighed scratching her head in frustration.

Lukas was giggling quietly, he was finally going to beat Jess in hide-and-seek. He was always beaten by Jess, either as a hider or a seeker; the reason for her stealth was from the training Jess got from her mother, Isa Hills. He was so excited that he didn't notice the sky turning orange; Lukas instantly froze when he heard a growl of a zombie. He looked up and his eyes widened, it was already night

"O-ok that's enough for one day!" Lukas stuttered stepping out of his hiding place. It was so dark that he couldn't see two zombies making their way towards him. By the time he realized the upcoming danger, he was face to face with a zombie. "AAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Lukas screamed scrambling away as fast as he can. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!!!!" Lukas cried out. He has completely panicked, that he ran the opposite direction where his village is located.

Lukas cried as he tried to escape the upcoming mobs. When all of the sudden, a wooden sword came flying through; Lukas stumbled and fell out of shock. He looked back to see his savior, a young red-haired girl with a light blue bandana; she swung her wooden sword at the zombies, killing them. "Come on, kid get up!" she shouted reaching out her hand for Lukas. He nodded quickly and took her hand, and just like lightning. The two kids dashed through the forest and finally made it back to the safety of their village.

Lukas ran and hugged his crying parents. "Lukas! Where were you, Jess said she couldn't find you anywhere!" Linda, Lukas' mom sobbed. "We are lucky that young Petra here is able to bring you back!" Luke, his dad agreed. Lukas whipped his tears, "Y-yeah, t-thanks!" he stuttered. "No problem-o!" Petra beamed. "Besides, I always wanted to be a hero!" she stated.

From that day on, Lukas, Petra and Jess were the best of friends. They always talked about each other, had sleepovers when it's ok with their parents, and they'd share many things with each other, over time Lukas had developed a crush on his BFF, Jess. Petra enjoyed the times when she tried to get them together. But those days ended when Jess and her parents moved out; because of an urgent family business. While Petra's dad took her to a special training school.





Lukas smiled at the memory of his old friends, Petra was still the same person from all those years. And he still had no idea where Jess lives, Lukas knew that the Jess he knew would live through anything and everything. "Hey guys! They are here!" Axel shouted pointing out the window. As quick as lightning Lukas, Olivia, Axel, Ellegaard, Magnus, Gabriel and Ivor went downstairs to greet them. But as soon as Jesse and Petra stepped foot inside the temple, everyone knew something had happened. Jesse's face had horror written all over, while Petra is clenching and unclenching her fists. "Guys...What happened?" Olivia asked. Taking a step forward, trying to figure out the problem. Jesse looked at Lukas with sad and guilty eyes. "I'm so, so sorry Lukas...." he cried. "W-what do you mean?" Lukas asked. "I-it's Gill...." Petra whispered trying to hold back her tears. The room has gone silent, Everyone now shared a look of horror; the same thought went through their minds, when they first found Gill that faithful night. "W-what....?" Lukas asked hoping that the thing they've feared is now coming to a reality.


























"He's gone...."

(Sorry it took a while, I ran out of ideas.)

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