Chapter 3

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"Hahahaha! No way, Maya!"

"Blaze Rods!!" shouted Gill.


Lukas shook his head in amusement as Maya chased Aiden around the temple. They've all gotten along well with each other. Aiden had taken Maya's favorite sword for gags. And a very angry Maya is currently chasing after him with a stick in her hand. While Gill stood and watched them with amusement written over his face.

It took Maya an hour to tackle Aiden down to the ground. Both were laughing and out of breath. Gill joined in, too, by dogpiling on top of Maya who is on top of Aiden. Lukas smiled at the laughing trio. Aiden has gotten nicer to Maya and Gill; he even respected Lukas' decision to leave the Blaze Rods. Aiden earned the habit to pull pranks on not only Maya and Gill, but along with the old and new orders. The most memorable prank was the time he set fake TNT on Magnus and Axel. Let's just say, Aiden 'mysteriously' ended up on the roof of the temple.


The 3 stopped goofing around when they heard their names. They faced the person who called them, Gabriel. "Gabriel, how are you and what do you need?" Lukas asked. "I'm doing well. Thank you, but Ellie and Ivor are the ones looking for you, three," Gabriel replied.




(Later at the lab...)

Ellegaard or 'Ellie' was looking over some documents about the infected. She was wondering how it all started and maybe they can trace down the source of all this madness happening. Ivor on the other hand is brewing different potions in hope to find a cure to stop or at least slow down the infected. Magnus was there, too, helping Ellie look through document after document, newspapers and much more. Soren was equally busy as the rest; he is tracing the infected or zombies routes over a giant map. He believes that the infected travels in the same route like clockwork.

"ARRRGGGHHHH, I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!" Magnus screamed loudly.

Ellegaard, caught by surprise, jumped out of her chair. Ivor readied his harming potions while Soren jumped and readied his bow and arrows.

"MAGNUS, WHAT THE HECK??!!" Ellegaard screamed.

"YOU SCARED US!!!" Ivor added.

"Magnus, please don't do that ever again," Soren huffed.

"All right, all right! Sorry guys." Magnus sweat dropped.

At that moment, the doors opened to reveal Gabriel, Lukas, Maya, Aiden and Gill. They stopped talking when they realized the position everyone was in. "Uh, friends? What happened?" Gabriel asked raising his eyebrow. "Oh nothing, Gabriel, we were all busy doing our thing until Magnus scared the living daylights out of us all," stated Ellegaard.

"Hey, but why call us?" asked Aiden.

Everyone suddenly realized that they got off topic. Ivor broke the silence, "We want you, Maya, Gill and Soren to investigate an old building." Aiden, Maya and Gill were shocked. They were just given a mission along with Soren, the former leader of the original order.

"But why us?" Maya asked.

Ivor and Lukas looked at each other and nodded. "Lukas says that you three are up for the job," Ivor stated. "Ellie and Magnus reckon that the first news of the infected came from an old building. And Soren will join and help you navigate through that building," Ellegaard added. "I already have the map here," Soren said.

"This is so cool!!" Maya squealed.

"Our first mission! Nice!" Aiden smiled.

"Blaze Rods! Let's get going!!!!!!!!!" Gill screamed before running out the door.

Everyone smiled and laughed at Gill's excitement. Maya and Aiden both chased after him laughing.

Before leaving, Ellie, Magnus, Gabriel, Ivor, Lukas and Soren gathered together for a bit.

Magnus: "Don't die!"

Ellegaard: "Good luck to you guys."

Lukas: "Look after the gang for me."

Gabriel: "Stay safe!"

Ivor: "Seriously, don't die or get hurt."

Soren smiled at the encouragement. "Don't worry too much friends, we won't!"

The old order and Lukas gave Gill, Maya, Soren and Aiden their armor and their weapons.

And they bade each other farewell.

If only they knew what was to happen...

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