Chapter 5: Spy for a Spy

Start from the beginning

Lloyd then revealed that Neuro looked into Clouse's mind to see a spell, he was desperate now. Neuro dodged this saying he doesn't remember and was more interested in the staff now as cover. The guys started arguing as Chen and Clouse had grins on their faces.

I heard Jay say something about 'stop fanning him too much' and listened in. I turned their direction to see a Kabuki talk to him and the ninjas behind a fan.

"Is that?" I started before the Ninjas revealed who that kabuki really was

"Nya?" All the ninjas whispered as she revealed her face

She talked about how she was undercover with Darreth. She also added that there was a spy within their circle. Kai also noted that Nya could get to Clouse's spell book to grab the spell, on page one hundred and forty-nine.

They shouted spy a little too loud as Clouse turned their direction. Nya saw this and backed away to fit in with the other kabuki. Then Skylar came over to Kai and handed him a note, saying it was from Cole and that he's found Zane. She also added they were going to be breaking out. Kai thanked her for this as he told the other ninja what he just heard, showing them the fortune aka note.

"A spy? Who do you think it is?" Jay whispered looking at the ninja

"I have my suspicions," Lloyd replied looking Shade and my way

"Well that isn't good," I sighed

No One's POV

    We hear Nya call Darreth in the vehicle as he's dancing. She informs him their objective is set and that she's going to find some spell for proof Chen is up to no good. While she does that the ninja will find the spy in their alliance.

Darreth agrees with her saying he understands as he hangs up. Then he calls Wu and the others off the island to tell them they've landed and explain what Nya told them.

We switch to where Cole is in the factory as he makes his escape. As he escaped he ate some of the fortune cookies too. He was spotted by four members and then threw a crate at them, knocking them down.

Everyone in the factory cheered as he fought the rest of the guards there. He was close to getting away until the head guard caught him, squeezing him tight until Cole burped in his face.

After that the head guard had him thrown out into a cell so Cole would learn his lesson and not cause havoc. Once the two left Cole pulled out keys, saying it was all worth it as he made his way out of his cell to find Zane.

Zane's POV

    I freed myself from the chains, seeing the big ice dragon sleeping near my exit. I slowly sneak my way around it, trying to escape while it was asleep. Unfortunately for me it woke up as I darted for the opening up above me. After hearing it growl at me I fell from where I was, landing right in front of it as it came my way. It was about to get me before I heard someone call my voice.

I woke up, still chained and saw Cole come towards me to unlock the chains. He managed to get the keys as he helped me up.

"Cole? You've returned," I commented

"Of course I did, I made a promise. Now come here, you shiny new tin can!" He exclaimed as he hugged me

"Can you feel the love?" He asked

"No, but the longer we stand here the shorter time we have to escape," I informed him

Then I looked towards the cell next to mine, but before I said anything Cole beat me to it.

"I looked in there. I didn't see anyone, but it looked as if someone was in there. Their chains were cut off," he informed me

I nodded, hoping they got away safely, as we made our way out and left.

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