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Laina, anything you can come up with



Looks: I'll tag you if that's okay

Alaina is kind and patient to most who "know" her. That's how she was taught to be by her parents. But she's the complete opposite of the "perfect daughter" her parents tried to teach her to be. She was rude and short-tempered. Though she hides her emotions easily she is an open book to anyone who can understand her. She HATES being disrespected no matter the reason, even if she was the one being disrespectful first. She tends to be quiet for the most part and only interacts with people when she needs to.

1. Staying to herself
2. Strawberries
3. Alcohol
4. Shopping
5. Bears
6. Big cats
7. Sour and sweet foods
8. Tea
1. Coffee that isn't sweet
2. Chocolate
3. Being interrupted
4. Mustard

Alaina was a sweet child growing up like her parents wanted her to be. It was only an act she'd put on. She hated all of the kindness since everywhere she looked kindness only got people hurt and picked. She looked up to her elder sister for denying her parents' wishes for being a "proper lady" and marrying a rich business owner. Her sister ran away and left Alaina behind which only worsened Alaina's attitude and as she continued to be raised in her house the role of "the perfect lady" got harder and harder for her to play until she turned 18 and was finally able to be herself but kept that nice girl act only to get what she wanted.

She is manipulative and she can easily make almost everyone she meets bend to her will. She can turn two people against each other and it would never fall back on her

Alaina, when angered, can't hold her tongue. She will say whatever she wants and how she feels in that moment which leaves her a bit vulnerable. She also can't open up to people too easily as she has trust issues after her sister ran away

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