Episode 9: The girls' day off

Start from the beginning

~ Noa's Pov ~

"Alright! It's time to explore Akibastar!" I said to myself. "Ok so first I'll go o the shopping center!" I said. I began to walk there.

~ Sakura's Pov ~

"YOU. NEED. TO. LET. GO. OF. YOUR. GIRLISHNESS!!!!!" Sayaka and Ayako said. "Uh...don't be too harsh on Sakura." Sae said. "Yeah..." Aoi agreed with Sae. "Hey guys!!!" Kojiharu came into the room they were in. "What do you want Kojiharu?" Sayaka asked. "I came in to take... these to lovelies here!" she grabs Ayaka's and Aoi's hands. "Nyan-Nyan thinks you guys need more pheromones! We'll be going also. "HEY WAIT!!!!" Sayka said. "HELP US!!!!!!" Ayako and Aoi said. "Take care!" Sakura said.

~ Noa's Pov ~

"Man! I have a lot of bags!" I said to myself. I saw a couple of familiar figures from the distance.

~ Yuko's Pov ~

"Ready! 1..2..3!" I snaped the picture. "Bye Yuko-san, bye Takamina-san!" the group of children I took the picture of said. "Thank you! Take care!" we both said to the cute little group of children. We turned to the left and saw a familiar figure coming our way. "NOA?!" I ask. "Noa?" Takamina didn't noticed Noa was coming our way. "HEY NOA OVER HERE!!!!!!" I waved my hands in the to signal her to where we are. "SHHHH!!!!! Don't make us look to noticable to other people!" Takamina said to me. "Sorry..." I apoligized. Noa finally caught up to us. "Hey Yuko. Hey Takamina. What are you doing here?" she asked us. "Well, Yuko and I wanted to go out for our day off." Takamina explained to Noa. "Hey! Me too!" I said. "You can say that Takamina and I are on a date for the whole day!" Yuko said. "Oh stop it Yuko!" Takamina playfully punched her on the arm.

~ Ayako's Pov ~

"No, no, no! You guys are doing it wrong! Don't slouch!" Kojiharu said to us. "Okay..." Aoi started to walk with a strait posture. "THIS. IS. TORTURE!!!" Ayako said. "No! Don't say that! It's exciting!!!" Kojiharu said.

~ Meanwhile ~

Akira and Mami ran all over the building unrolling toilet paper!!! "TOILET PAPER POWER ACTIVATE!!!!" they both said.

~ Noa's Pov ~

Takamina, Yuko, and I were together eating lunch at a restaurant. "So Noa, what made you want to join the 0048 team?" Takamina asked. "Well, I was inspired to at my first concert. Somehow I could feel everybodys' radiance, Kirara, and the dualium that connects the whole bond to it. The concert had a beautiful harmony singing to me." I said while picturing 9 years ago. "Uh...Noa. You're Kirara! It's shining so brightly!" Yuko said. "Huh?" I looked at my Kirara and got embarrassed. "S-Sorry!" I apologized. My Kirara stopped shinning. Takamina and Yuko giggled together. "That's alright." Takamina said. "Hey Noa!" Yuko said. "What?" I asked. "You remind me of someone I used to know." she said. Takamina examined me for a bit. "Oh yeah she does!" Takamina agreed. "What?" I asked. "Noa, you remind us of Nagisa Motomiya." Yuko said. "Really?! No, no, no. That's a lie!" I shook my head a few times. "But it's true!" Takamina said. "Noa, can I tell you a little story?" she asked me. "Sure." I said. "It was about 15 years ago, in the year of 0052." she began.

< Flashback <
~ Yuko's Pov ~

I feel on to the floor. "UGHHHH I CAN'T GET IT RIGHT!!!!" I got frustrated. "What's wrong Yuriko-chan?" a voice asked behind me. I turned around to see who it was. "Hey Atsuko-senpai." I greeted her. Acchan had pink hair that stopped at the end of her neck with a green ribbon on the right side of her hair. She was tall and beautiful. "Oh you don't have to call me that. You can called me by me real name, Nagisa." Nagisa said. "Ok Acc- I mean Nagisa." I said. "Now what's wrong?" Nagisa asked me. "I can't get this dance right!" I complain to her. "It's alright Yuriko! You need to relax and try again." she said calmly to me. "Ok." I said. "Do it right now. I wanna see it!" Nagisa said. "Ok." I said. I played the music and started to dance. When I got to the part of where I struggling I got the are right. "I did it!!!" I said. "Good job Yuriko-chan." Nagisa said to me. "Thank you Nagisa-senpai!" I thanked her. "No problem." she said. Her Kirara shined brilliantly. I was surprised.

> Back to present >
~ Noa's Pov ~

"Amazing!" I said. "Well I'm glad you enjoyed the story!" Yuko said.

~ Sakura's Pov ~

"I think you're finished!" Sayaka said. "Uhh... I don't know. I feel... weird!" I said. "Don't worry!" Sayka patted my back. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Sae said. The door opened. We were astonished of what we saw. "So. How do we look?" Ayako asked us. Ayako and Aoi were wearing a girly outfit with make-up on. "So how did I do?" Kojiharu appeared. "So how did I do?" she asked. "Pretty good." Sae said. "AYAKO!!!!!" Sayaka ran up to Ayako. "You have pheromones now..." she said. "Uh...w-what's up homies..." Sakura said to Ayako, Aoi, and Kojiharu. "OMG WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" Kojiharu asked. Sakura wore sweatpants with a plain t shirt. "I-I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!" Sakura said. "ME TOO!!!!" Ayako and Aoi said. "We want our old selves back!" all three of them said. "AYAKO YOU'RE BACK!!!" Sayaka hugged Ayako very tightly. "Ok... I think that a little two tight!" Ayako said.

~ Noa's Pov ~

"Well it was nice hanging with you Noa but we have to go back early." Takamina said. "Ok bye!" I said. "BYE NOA!!!" Yuko said as they started to walk back. "Bye!" I said once again. "SHHH!!! NOT TOO LOUD YUKO!!!!" Takamina said to her. "Well you're the one being loud right now!" Yuko teased her. "Hey!" she said. I looked at my phone. "Wow it's getting late! I guess I have to go too." I decided to walk to go back too when I bumped into someone. I fell and my bags were everywhere. "Oops sorry!" the person said. Looked up and saw a boy. He had dark blue hair, light blue eyes, he looked like he was the same age as me, and looked kind of bishounen. He offered a hand to me. "No it's fine." I took his and a he pulled me up. "Are you all right?" he asked. "Yeah I fine." I said. He then began to pick up my shopping bags for me. "Oh you don't have to do that!" I said. "It's fine." he said. "Hey are you Takahashi Noa from IRIS from any chance?" he asked. I was surprised that somebody knew who I was. "Uhh...yes." I answered awkwardly. "You're really good." he said. I started tearing up. "HUH?! W-WHAT'S WRONG?!" he panicky asked. "It's just that...A STRANGER HASN'T PRAISED ME LIKE THAT BEFORE!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" I bowed to him. He started giggling. "You're funny!" he said. "Hey! I was being serious!" I said jokingly. "Let's go." he said. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Back to the AKB headquarters of course!" he said. "You know where it is?" I asked. "Yeah of course!" he said. "After all, I have a family member who works for Akb0048!" he went on. "Really?! Amazing!" I said. We both started walking back. "By the way my name is Ichirou." he said. We talked on the way for the dorm building. We finally got there after 35 minutes. "Anyways how about I'll carry these up to your room." he suggested. "Thank you but I can do that myself." I said. "Ok then." he said. "HEY LOOK NOA'S BACK!" TAKAKO said. The girls came out. "Ichirou-kun?" Acchan was surprised by his presence. "HUH?!" the rest of us asked. "Acchan." he said. "HUH?!" the same people asked again. Matsumoto-sensei came out. "Hey guys! Hey son!" he said to Ichirou. "SON?!" we all asked besides Acchan, Ichirou, and Matsumoto-sensei.

*End of Episode*

[Preview of next Ep.]

Noa: What's going on?!
Acchan: We knew each other when we were kids.
Yuma: We need a leader for IRIS and I choose you to be it.
Miyu: Acchan if you keep being like this, you'll never succeed.
Akira and Mami: WE DID IT!!!
Noa: No way. This will be our first.
Michiyo: Next time on Akb0048: New Stage. It's just the beginning. According to my calculations, many surprises will be revealed.

OOOOOOO!!!! So many surprises and questions lol! Hope you enjoy this episode!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR THE 300 READS!!!!! Please rate, comment, and follow me!!!! Stay tuned!!!!

Please check out my new original story Wild Tokyo!!!! It's out NOW!!!!! :)

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