44. Sometimes You Don't Gotta Kiss de Frog

Start from the beginning

Layyin reached for the note. "What's it say?"

Ashley held it up to her forehead. "It says, 'please use this dagger to cut my throat on our wedding night. Love, Charming.'"

"How do you know that?"

Ashley shook her head, opened the envelope, and read.


Use this dagger to cut his throat on your wedding night.



"You weren't that far off," Layyin said.

Ashley gasped. "Do you know what this means?"

"That Druscilla was going to kill Charming, but now we sent her away, so we get to do it?" Layyin guessed, practically vibrating in her armor.

"It means that Marveloni is using Druscilla to take control of the Seven Kingdoms. Once she marries Charming and becomes Princess of all the Kingdoms, and Charming dies, she will be the ruler of all. And Marveloni will most likely be the power behind the throne."

"It's a brilliant plan," Layyin said. "But why kill him with a dagger on their wedding night? Why not do it with poison in a month or two, so Druscilla doesn't get implicated in the murder?"

"Not sure," Ashley said. "Maybe it's to send a message to the people. Like, don't mess with us or else. Or—"

"Or what?"

"Maybe they plan to lay the blame on someone else."

"Like who?" Layyin said.

Ashley gulped. "Like us."

"I'm not worried. Stop worrying. You look like a worried little puppy."

"I look like a zombie queen with a crusty white face melting off, not a puppy. And how can I not worry? They have magic, remember? Big, dark, brutal magic."

"But ..." Layyin said, poked Ashley's poufy shoulder with the blunt end of the spear "... they have to be alive to use magic. And soon, they'll be dead." Layyin giggled. And not in a nervous way. She giggled like a child about to eat a bowl of ice cream with chocolate sauce and whipped cream. (No nuts or cherries because everyone knows those are gross.)

"You scare me sometimes, Layyin."

"Are we there yet?" Derek piped up, squirming.

"Do you see a tent?" Ashley said.

"How can I with all this flesh?" Derek said.

Ashley shuddered. "He won't stay still, and it tickles."

"Put him in the pocket," Layyin suggested.

"With the knife?"

"Would probably keep him still," Layyin said.

Ashley peeked down at Derek. "Hold still, or I'll transfer you to the pocket where you can take your chances with the dagger."

"When I'm human again, you will regret threatening me."

"If you don't stop wriggling, you'll never be human again. Because I will toss you into the nearest monster-infested moat."

"I'm a frog. Wriggling is in my nature. No fair punishing me over that which I have no control. Also, good luck finding a moat around here."

"What's he saying?" Layyin asked as they approached a granite outcropping. The wind moaned and howled as it whirled around the rocky pinnacles. It wasn't the most reassuring sound.

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