Chapter 43: Malfoy the Ferret

Start from the beginning

"I was raised by a French nanny," He explained in very butchered French that had Ana and Mila look overly pleased. Jacqueline and I exchanged looks that Ana caught sight of. "My friends here," He added turning to the other two who looked up at being addressed, "don't speak it, but Aleksi can speak English vell, huh?" He started speaking a stark contrast of a language that I assumed was Bulgarian to the boys before turning back to us with a grin.

"And does Ivo know any English?" I asked, rubbing my side where Ana had just elbowed me. Turning to taller of the three, I watched as Ivo gave a solemn nod but said very little else. Great. He's mute.

This isn't awkward at all.

"He can understand more than he can say," Aleksi explained, turning my way assuredly.

"What year are you?" Rosalie asked as I turned from the dark eyes watching me to a crowd that had entered from the other end. Draco was there, alongside Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, Blaze and Pansy.

Lovely. Just add to my day, why don't you, karma.

"Fifth years! Can you guess how old we are?" Mila questioned excitedly, causing Jacqueline to mutter darkly under her breath. I tried to mask the intense need to cringe.

"Third years? Are you really?"

"No not at all. Jacqueline and Gisele are fourth years," Ana explained, pointing to her friends in question.

I glanced back to the other end of the courtyard and watched as Draco hoisted himself onto one of the tree branches while Pansy threw leaves at him. Attention seeking, much?

"Ve vere told to take an English test in order to come here," Aleksi explained, gaining my attention again. He was looking curiously from me to the Slytherins behind us. He must have seen me staring off.

"We did too," Rosalie explained, adding how she and I were Americans. Ivo's brows shot up and Ivan looked toward Rosalie and then to me curiously.

"Americans at a French school?" I glanced away in time to catch Marie walking up the step and waving me over. Taking that as my chance to escape, I walked off as Rosalie explained where she came from. Without another word, I was by Marie's side.

"Where've you been?" I asked, nudging her side affectionately. She merely waved behind her vaguely.

"Around. That must be them, then," Marie commented, changing the subject. She nodded toward the Durmstrang boys who had turned their attention to Mila speaking. "Ana's friends."

"Yeah. Ivan, Aleksi and Ivor. Turns out one of them speaks French though I can't remember if it was Ivor or Ivan." Marie gave me an amused look before turning away from the girls.

"You don't sound impressed." I shook my head, chuckling.

"You didn't miss much, though I assume that was on purpose," I said giving her a knowing look. Marie shrugged.

"Just don't tell Mila."

"Don't tell me what?" Mila was walking towards us with the rest of the girls beside her. I saw the last of the boys leaving the courtyard before turning back to Marie with a smirk.

"Uh, if I tell you, that would ruin the surprise."

"Nice," Jacqueline quoted from the back as Rosalie giggled. Mila looked at us suspiciously.

"Well, you missed our chat with Ivan, Marie. He speaks French and has two great friends that are tall enough for you. And his friend Aleksi speaks English though he didn't seem that pleased when you left rudely Ava. How could you?"

"Um," I started unsure of how to respond. Marie looked just as uncomfortable though thankfully we didn't have to answer.

"Why so tense, Potter?" The girls and I turned toward the tree where the obnoxiously loud voice radiated from. Harry, who had just entered the courtyard, turned grumpily toward Malfoy in the tree. Suddenly I felt very interested in watching the show.

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