~Outings and Rumours~

Comenzar desde el principio

It had been two days since Zayaan had left. He would call me every night to ask about how was everything but that was all. Our call was usually short as either he had to go for a meeting or for dinner with the business partners.

I changed into some blue skinny jeans and a pink top. Pulling my hair into a bun, I wrapped a scarf around my head. I applied a light coloured lipstick. As if on cue, I heard a horn, and I hurried downstairs after grabbing my purse and my phone

As Zayaan was gone so Afet thought it was the perfect opportunity to go out shopping. Afet was with me in the paediatrics department. She had been my guide on the first day, and since then, we had become pretty good friends.

I greeted her as I settled onto the passenger seat. "You look hot." She winked, and I chuckled. One thing I loved about her was that she was never afraid to speak her mind. In many ways, she reminded me of Dania. "You don't look bad yourself." I joked, and she rolled her eyes.

"Honey, I don't need you to tell me I look beautiful." I shook my head as i turned on the radio. July by Noah Cyrus started playing in the background, and Afet groaned. "Hell no, I'm not listening to this sad shit." She changed the station, and Shawn Mendes's lyrics filled the atmosphere.

I laughed at her obvious choice, not even surprised a bit. "Oh, come on, tell me you don't find him hot." She muttered.

"I mean, he's okay." I shrugged. "Of course, I mean, I'm sure after Zayaan, every guy looks basic to you." She teased, and I felt my face heating up

"It's not like that."

She laughed at my blushing face. We had finally arrived, and I was the first one to get out of the car. I looked around the area in awe. It was an area where I hadn't been before. "Where are we?"

"We're at the Taksim square." I nodded as I looked at how different it was from the area I lived in. Where our area was more towards the peaceful side, this area was more crowded. "Come on." She started walking, and I walked beside her towards the mall across us.

It had been so long since I had gone out shopping, so I was pretty excited. I had been planning on getting some clothes for a while so this was a good opportunity.

We shopped around for hours going from one shop to the next. By now I was pretty tired. I bought lots of new clothes and my bank account was crying by now. Even though Zayaan had left a credit card for me to use, I just wasn't comfortable in using it.

Afet herself bought a ton of stuff, and our legs were pretty much killing us by now. We finally sat down at the food court to eat something, and I couldn't be more grateful. "I'll go and order." She said, standing up.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Anything as long as it's edible." I chuckled, and she nodded and then turned around.

Meanwhile, I decided to just scroll through my phone. Disappointment took over when I realized Zayaan hadn't even called once, not even a text. Maybe he was busy, that's why he couldn't get in contact.

I opened my instagram as I scrolled through it aimlessly. I was never really an instagram person, I had downloaded it only because I was forced to by Dania, but I never really used it. I mean, what was the need for it when you could easily get in contact through call or message.

"Did you see the article today?" A feminine voice caught my attention from the table behind, and I rolled my eyes at the gossip. People really needed an activity these days.

"Apparently, the CEO of Z enterprises finally found someone." This piqued my interest as I eavesdropped further.

Wasn't Z Enterprises Zayaan's company? My hands became sweatier as I listened further.

"Really?" Another voice spoke out.

"Yeah, and she's very pretty too. Wait, let me show you the article."

"And to think I had a chance with him." The other voice sighed.

My heart was beating fast as I zoned out their conversation. I shakily typed Z enterprises into the search bar and waited as the page loaded. I bit my lip nervously as thousands of results popped up. I clicked on the latest one, which was posted an hour ago.

The first thing that came up was a picture, and I felt my world crashing. There stood Zayaan with a small smile on his face dressed in a blue suit. His eyes were looking somewhere else. My eyes then went to the girl beside him who had her hand on his arm.

She seemed to be smiling as she stared up at him. She was extremely beautiful with long black hair and green eyes. I slowly scrolled down as I read the article.

It seems like the bachelor life of the CEO of Z enterprises might be coming to an end. Recently it was reported that Zayaan Saith was sighted with a girl at a business meeting. Reports say that she might be his possible fiance-

I took a deep breath as I kept my phone on the table. Surely there was an explaination for this, I couldn't just believe on some article. I trusted Zayaan and I knew that he would never betray me. But what was this article and who was that girl?
Um yeah, so that happened:) but anyways what do you think this article is? Is Zayaan really cheating on Inaya? And who is that girl with him?

Find out in the upcoming chapters:)

Until then

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