Chapter 15: Eliza's Return

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean by them?" said Ariana

"It was them, your highness. Adam's notorious horsemen and they knew exactly what to do. It looked like we were going to get away, but then their leader, who we thought was the spy. Pulled a cobra out of a bag and threw it in front of me. Anna and I fell over. She blacked out because she hit her head. So they grabbed her up and tied her up. They then tied her weapons to my saddle. Then they told me to ride back to my camp and tell Princess Ariana that 'we have one of your generals' and that they were taking her to King Adam. As of right now, they do not know who or what Anna is. So that's good. But Anna wanted me to tell you to NOT send a rescue team to get her. She thinks she can negotiate peace with Adam. And yeah... that's what happened. After they tied the weapons to me, I came straight back here" finished Eliza

I looked up at Eliza with anger in my eye, "So you're telling me that, Anna has gotten herself captured by Adam's horsemen, and is being taken directly to the enemy and doesn't want us going after her?!?!" I exclaimed angrily

"Err... Yeah that would be it" said Eliza as she looked away again


"Zoran calm the fuck down," said Ray sternly

"CALM DOWN??? Why on earth would I do that??? My sister has once again gotten herself into a sticky situation and you are asking me to CALM DOWN?!?!?" I yelled at Ray

"Yes, I am. You and I both know that Anna is fully capable of taking care of herself. Plus she's cheated death before so what's to say she won't do it again?"

I groaned but at the same time heard where Ray was coming from. I stepped back and nodded. Everyone was silent for a bit until Patrick, who had been sitting on a rock, got up and walked toward Justin

"This is all your fault!!! You were the one to let her go on her own!!! You didn't even think for a second that it could be a trap!!! YOU LED HER RIGHT TO HER CAPTURE!!!" Yelled Patrick as he got closer to Justin

"MY FAULT? What about the fact that no one else went with her?" exclaimed Justin defending himself

"While that might be true, but you told us 'oh she'll be FINE and there's no stopping her'. WHAT A LOAD OF BULLSHIT!!" said Patrick as he imitated Justin

"I'M A LOAD OF BULLSHIT??? Wow, that's rich coming from the guy that only just started talking and getting to know her?" Patrick glared at him. "What? Didn't think I'd notice that if you hadn't come with her, you would've never noticed her or gave her a second of your time? Yeah, I know exactly who you are. One of the popular guys and she just wasn't cool enough for you to even notice her"

"Well, at least I didn't break her heart and then played with her emotions for a year. That's A L L on you."

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" exclaimed Justin as he leapt at Patrick trying to strangle him. They fell and wrestled to the ground. Trying to kill each other.

"HEY! Break it up" I yelled at them. Justin had managed to punch Patrick in the face but unfortunately for him, Patrick was a hockey player and knew how to punch back. Jackson and I raced forward to break the two of them up. Jackson grabbed Justin and I grabbed Patrick. It took a minute to pull them apart. Ray stood there in complete shock, Ariana was gasping while also trying to calm Eliza down. The rest of the army watched silently. It was a big mess. I pulled Patrick back and whispered in his ear, "Stop it. Patrick, just calm down. This isn't going to help with anything!"

"Yeah well tell that to that son of a bitch. He's the reason she got fucking captured" yelled Patrick as he tried to get out of my hold against him

"Guys please just calm down. This isn't helping us get anywhere" begged Ray who looked pretty close to tears

"Yeah well tell that to HIM" spat Justin and then tried to get out of Jackson's grip, almost successful.

"Everyone calm down, RIGHT NOW!" yelled Ariana as she came back up to all of us. "Look, I know we're all upset that Anna got kidnapped. But we have to stay focused. I will try and contact Aslan asking him what we should do. But in the meantime, everyone should go back to their own tents and either continue training or just get some rest. I know we are all exhausted after today. But you have to get some rest and that's an order. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do." Then she turned and walked away back to her tent. The rest of us kinda just looked at each other for a minute. Then Ray took a breath then spoke.

"Ariana is right, so why don't we all go get some rest by ourselves and then reconvene later" she then turned and walked toward her tent.

I let Patrick go, who had seemed to calm down. He then turned to me and nodded before heading back to his tent, but not before glaring at Justin. I then gave Jackson a signal to let Justin go. Then I head back to my tent to rest for the next few hours.

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