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Third pov:

He was standing there, lifeless, emotionless. Seeing his love in another man's arms was hurting him like hell. The woman that he loved from all his heart was getting married to someone who wasn't him.

'Why can't I forget her like she did'.

He thought. He wanted to cry his heart out but there were no tears left to cry. His life was a complete mess. His family was broken, business was going downhill, and just when he thought that nothing could be worse than this, he got cheated on.

This broken man was the CEO of Kim Industries, Kim Taehyung.

He needed his love to support him, stand strong with him, but what she did just broke him more.

"I am marrying someone else, I am sorry"

That line kept repeating in his head like a tape recorder. He surrendered himself to her, however in return got nothing except a painful heartbreak.

He wanted to hate her like nothing else but his stupid heart still couldn't let go of the way he felt for her. No matter how much he wanted to hate her, he couldn't.

"Do you, Kang Mina, take Jackson Wang, for your lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does aparts you, love and honor him all the days of your life?"

"I do"

"You may kiss the bride"

Taehyung hated himself for being there more than he hated his fate. All of his dreams he wanted to live with her started to break into millions of pieces right in front of him. He closed his eyes to calm himself, but instead of peace his precious memories started to play in his mind like a movie.


He kissed her hand and hugged her as if his life depended on her. "Promise me, that you won't leave me, never ever",he whispered in her ear.

She chuckled and broke the hug "I promise Mr. Kim Taehyung I won't leave you, even if you wanted"she pecked his lips.

He showed his boxy smile and lifted her in bridal style and murmured, "I love you"

"I love you too,tae"


Everything she did, she said was a lie.

"Hey!! Mr. Kim. I am glad you came here"Jackson Wang, a newly wedded man filled with joy greeted Taehyung as he went to wish the couple good luck.

Kang Mina didn't dare to right look him in the eyes, her eyes wandering everywhere but at him. Suddenly the husband's phone buzzed and he excused himself from there kissing his wife and apologising for leaving her alone there for some time.

Mean while the couple did the lovey dovey things Taehyung was trying hard not to breakdown in front of her, she doesn't deserve my tears.

"Is it because of money?" he gathered all of his courage and asked when he finally got to talk to her alone.


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