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"Bhratashri...there's an injured girl in the royal chamber, you have to heal her."

The rajakumari spoke out of breath to the figure in front of her. The 'figure' was playing melodious tunes on the flute under the shade of a tree in front of a few cows. It turned slowly and replied.

"Subhadra, there's a vaidhya for healing I look like a vaidhya ?"

Spoke the towering figure in a mischievous tone. 

"Bhrata, I did consult the vaidhya first, he said he cannot heal her completely. But your magic definitely can. We have to hurry up bhrata."

With this, rajakumari Subhadra pulled the smiling figure by the hand and dragged him towards the chamber where Yaashika lay. Upon entering the chamber the vaidhya  who was attending to the wound on Yaashika's head stood and bowed in front of this figure. 

"Pranaam rajkumar."

"How many times should I tell you to not address me as 'rajkumar ' ? I am no prince, I was raised by your kind, fed by your kind and I take no pleasure in people calling me rajkumar."

Said the rajkumar, the mischievous tone not leaving his voice. His face wreathed in a charming smile. 

"Forgive me Vasudev, you are still of royal blood though. I just got used to using that term to address you." 

The figure, now identified as Vasudev smiled and slowly walked towards Yaashika. He placed a hand on her head and closed his eyes for a brief second. 

Everyone around him, the vaidhya and the royal women were staring in awe. Even though they've seen Vasudev perform such miracles before, they never got used to seeing such sights. It was only Subhadra who just had a smile on her face. She was too used to seeing her brother perform such tricks and miracles. 

The open wound on Yaashika's head was gone. Not even a scar remained. Even the blood was gone without a trace. Within seconds Yaashika eyes gently opened. The first person she caught sight of was Vasudev.

"Krishna! W-where am I?"

She exclaimed looking around and sitting up. 

"You know her bhratashri ?"

Asked Subhadra coming towards a confused Yaashika. Yaashika stared at Subhadra and was deep in thought for a while. 

"A lot of people know me Subhadra...I am indeed quite famous around you know."

Said Krishna and laughed merrily at his own joke. 

"I would like to request all of you to inform all the other palace residents that this girl will be staying here and I'll arrange a meeting tomorrow for the others to meet her. And she must be treated well, Subhadra, you're the one responsible for taking care of her. She is not any normal girl, she is blessed by 18 gods and is sent by the gods themselves for a purpose and hence must not be questioned."

He said this looking at everyone in the chamber. And them turned to Subhadra expectantly. 

"Don't worry bhratashri. The responsibility is mine." 

She replied and smiled at Yaashika.

Yaashika was beyond delighted to finally realize that this wasn't just a merry dream, but complete reality. Soon the crowd in the chamber departed, leaving Subhadra, Krishna and Yaashika alone. 

"Krishna, thank you so much! I will always be indebted to you for this oppurtunity."

Yaashika thanked, gratefully.

"This is not just an oppurtunity's another life. Witnessing 2 timelines in the same lifetime is something no one has ever seen. Make good use of it. Make changes at the right moments and stop only certain things."

Was Krishna's reply. 

"Subhadra, this is Yaashika. You must treat her like a sibling."

"I will bhrata...Is she really blessed by 18 gods?"

"She is indeed. Rare is it not?"


Hey guys! Sorry if this was kinda boring. Just a filler chapter. Hold up for the best chapters=)  Votes appreciated. Thank you!


Rewritten {A Karna fanfic *mahabharat*}Where stories live. Discover now