Living in the Presence

Start from the beginning

"I guess we can resolve that late, it's not like we are exclusive. I'm just going to live in the present for now and worry about the future when it comes." Stacey took a deep breath and stare at the ceiling letting her imagination run wild.

"Good, you will work it out when the time comes. By the way, don't you think his driver was kind of cute?" Jenni bumped Emma's arm.

"Oh, he was hot as hell!" Emma pleaded and fan herself with her hand. "Where do you find these people?"

"I honestly don't know." Stacey laughed, "Although...don't you think he's a bit young to be a driver?"

"What's wrong with that? You can never be too young to be an actor." Jenni appealed to Stacey's statement.

"I'm just saying why would Nicholas hire some around his age? You guys said it yourself, he is hot. Don't you think his 'dates' would be attracted to him?"

"Hmm, good point but he probably just wants someone around his age to talk to in those long drives ." Emma is a reasonable type, she sees things people don't see in other people and are willing to give them a chance to show they are good-hearted people like they are.

The next morning, Emma had to set out early for an appointment she made with a college consultant about her next steps after university. Whereas, Jenni had to attend a morning cooking class with another friend whose boyfriend bailed on her the last-minute. They broke up.

The girls got another exam this noon and Stacey planned on staying in to relax. She was getting some ingredients to make french toast in the kitchen just when she received a text message from Nicholas.

Nicholas: Morning angel.

Stacey: Morning Mr.Sunshine, what's up?

Nicholas: I'm free this morning, do you want to grab breakfast with me?

Stacey looked down at the slices of bread she was taking out from the package. She wasn't sure if she should take up the offer, after all, she already touched the bread with her hands. Maybe she should invite him over here to have breakfast instead but she doesn't think she got enough for two.

Stacey: Uh, you're just in luck. Where?

Nicholas: Luck? Haha, at my place. I'll pick you up.

Stacey: Meet you out in five?

Nicholas: Perfect

Pick me up? Is he going to drive here when I can just walk over there?

"At least it'll give me time to change out of my pajamas." She said out loud.

"Bye Toby!" She called out before disappearing behind the door.

"Woof!" Toby was playing with his toy in the living room.

Stacey saw Nicholas standing out on the pavement waving.

"Hey!" He greeted smiling. Nicholas was wearing something casual this time and it's something Stacey never saw before in her life. It is shocking how clothes can change how a person looks.

"Where's the car?" She looked around the empty road.

"Who needs it when it's a three-minute walk." Nicholas wrapped his arm around her neck going in for a side hug and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Then why don't I just walk over to your place?"

"Naive girl, so I can spend more time talking to you."

Stacey laughed crazily and nearly tripped before Nicholas got a hold of her.

"Oh shit." She said trying to hold in her laughter. It was like one of those scenes you see on television. The clumsy girl was swept off the floor by a tall handsome gentleman before plunging her face to the ground, except where in this case was an awkward stance.

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