Sensing her presence, Mike glanced up from the cookie in his hands and offered her a small smile, muttered a "hello" before striding passed her toward the stairs to head up to his room and probably change out of his work clothes before getting started on his homework. But, before he could go too far, Karen asked how work was. He shrugged. "Same as always. Except, it wasn't as busy as it has been the passed few weeks, but El stopped by to say hi which kinds of makes up for it all, I guess."

They way his whole face lights up at the mention of her name makes Karen heart lurch, and she swallows down her motherly emotions, because it was only now that she was realizing how head over heels her son was for the chief's daughter. And she knew she had to bring it up sooner or later. "Hey, can I talk to you about something?" Though, it was more of a demand than a question because she was already heading into the living room, and could sense Mike following her. Sitting down on the couch, she wrung her hands in her lap as she waited for Mike to sit in front of her on the other end of the couch, giving her a confused look. "I was putting some clothes away in your room earlier today..."

His face visible paled (even more than it was already) as she continued on with her explanation, telling him how she came across the jars full of ring money, and he leaned against the couch, staring straight ahead of him as his cheeks tinted a rosy color. "You weren't supposed to find that," he said, "and why were you snooping?"

"I'm your mother, I can snoop if I want to," Karen retorted, "and I was putting away clothes."

"Okay," Mike replies, looking hesitant as the skin between his eyebrows pinch.

Karen sighed. "I'm not mad, Micheal. Just, a bit concerned is all."

And that seemed to just confuse him even more. Great.

"Look, I know you're very fond of El, Micheal," she said and he raises an eyebrow at her at her choice of words but doesn't say anything, or pushes her into explaining which she's thankful for because this conversation is already awkward. "But you guys are still really young, still in high school, not accepted into any colleges."

He rolled his eyes and flopped back against the couch, arms crossed. "I don't understand."

At that she decides to stop sugar coating it. "What if you two break up?"

And Mike laughs. He straight out let out a snort that was followed by a few chuckles, pure amusement practically written across his face in blank permanent marker. He didn't reply to that statement, though. Once the laughter faded, he just went back to leaning against the couch, a death stare directed at the window.

Ignoring his dis-respectfulness, Karen continues going on and on about college acceptances and how high school relationships usually start to fade around this time, and they're usually torn apart from distance or college stress. She really wasn't trying to make him upset, or make him feel as though she wasn't supportive, she was just worried and wanted him to know the ups and downs of thinking about marriage this young.

But, Mike had always been the defensive type, always feeling personally attacked even when the "attacker" wasn't even talking to him directly. He'd always been one of the kids who felt the world was out to get him, and maybe that was one of the side affects of being bullied and/or having a practically non-existent father in his life.

So, at her words, he originally started defending his relationship with El, telling her they'd been together for four years, and if anything was going to tear them apart, distance and college would be the last thing to do so. He even admitted to her that he loved El, which threw Karen off a bit and she sat there, speechless, as Mike continued on,

"And it's fine if you think it's too soon or that it's just puppy love, but El and I know what we have and what we want. We know that our relationship is stronger than most, our bond can withstand almost anything. And as long as we know, nothing else matters. I love her, she loves me. Besides, we applied to the same colleges and ones near each other, so we'll never be very far apart. We've already been looking for apartments near the campus' of each one we applied for, just making sure we're ready so when junior year rolls around and we no longer have to stay in a dorm, we've got a place we can go to right away. And- and Hopper already knows, and he's cool with it which surprises me, but I'm happy about it too." He takes a deep breath because he'd been talking so quick and excitedly, he'd barely been able to breathe. "Mom, I know you're just being a mom, but this is one thing I'm absolutely sure about."

Karen blinked tears away and leaned forward to wrap him up in a tight, motherly hug, and he hugged her back which caused the tears to return. "I just- I guess, you're my little boy, Mike, and you're growing up so fast. I'm just not ready for you to grow up, to graduate, to go to college, get married, eventually start a family of your own. It frightens me that in a few months you won't be- that you'll have other things to worry about than being home before midnight."

Sniffling, Mike pulled away so he can see her and said, "I'll always be your son, Mom. Home, or not home. Married, or not married. And you'll always be my mom; the person who I'll go to when I've got no one else to talk to. Nothing will ever change that."

Pride enveloped her whole. "I'm so proud of you," she said, lips tugging upwards in a small smile as she reached out to brush a few dark strands away from his eyes, and he blinks, a single tear falling and she quickly wiped that away with her thumb as well. "And I'm so glad you didn't turn out like your father."

Mike laughed and agreed. "And you're okay with the whole engagement thing now?"

Karen nods, happy that, deep down, he really did want her approval all along, and she reached up to wipe her own eyes, sure that her mascara was most likely running but at the moment she could care less. She was having a one on one moment with the only son she ever had, and she can't even remember they'd had one of these talks. "As long as it's what you want," she told him and laughed quietly when he nodded rapidly.

"It is, I promise. You don't understand how much I want to marry her, Mom."

That's when she saw the purse joy etched across his features. His brown eyes lit up, his smile widened, his shoulders relaxed. He was totally head over heels for El, and she couldn't have cared less. Maybe they were more than just a high school relationship. Maybe they really did have something special and she was just too blinded by her own messed up relationship to even take time to notice it.

"If you're happy, I am too," Karen said, smiling.

This time, Mike pulls her in for a hug, and she's too happy and caught up in the sweet moment to even be surprised or shocked, and she returns the embrace. "I love you, Mom," he mutters against her shoulder.

She just about cries because she doesn't remember the last time those words, coming out of his mouth, were directed towards her, and she practically whimpers back, "I love you too."

Well, there's a little short, sweet moment between mother and son.

I promise I do have longer chapters coming out soon! But I've updated three times in the past couple hours and it's late, so I'm gonna go to bed. Anyway, I hope you liked it! And I'll start the layout for the new chapter of Flash Forward tomorrow. (It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to happen).

Welp, Good night/morning!

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