Just Let Me Go

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So there's a bit of a backstory to this one:

I was just sitting there one day, thinking about what I want for season 4 Mileven, and then I was like: I really, really want of those super cliche, dramatic scenes. It stayed in the back of my head for a couple weeks, I told a couple friends who agreed they also wanted that, but it was only until I was on vacation that I wanted to write that scene. 

So this is that scene I want. Just a heads up, it's not very detailed, more dialogue than anything because, of course, we don't know what the setting is going to be like for season 4, but we do know our beloved characters very well. It's also very, very slow because it's a short, bittersweet scene between Mike and El. But, I managed to whip this up! 


"I have to do it," El said, and without further ado, turned around and walked toward the source of danger. The wind whipped around her, ruffling her tangled brown curls. All around them, screeches of monsters and sirens sounded in the distance, along with human shouts. 

Halfway there, someone grabbed her arm. "El." 

Closing her eyes, she slowly turned around, and opened them, staring up into the dark pools of brown she'd fallen in love with over the few years they'd been together. His eyes were filled with worry as they searched her face, and her fragile hurt broke as the reality of the moment sunk in, twisting around her veins, and hardening around her heart like cement. "Mike, no," she said quietly, "I'm the only one who can do this. Who can stop this." 

Mike shook his head. "We can all help you. We can go with you," he said, and sounds like a little kid begging his mother to buy him a new leggo set, not trying to persuade his stubborn girlfriend into allowing him and their friends to follow her into a freaking suicide mission. "Let us help, please." 

"And put you all in danger? No." She started to turn around, trying to wrench her wrist out of his grasp, but he just tightened his grip, but was still sure not to hurt her. Spinning back around with an eye roll, she exclaimed exasperatedly, "What, Mike?" 

"You can't just go out there alone!" His voice rose a few octaves and her gaze hardened. She really just needed to get this done, to end this so they can all just go lead normal lives, and he was holding her up. The more time wasted, the less time she has. He gestured to their friends who were standing a few yards behind them, watching with curious eyes. "You have all these people who are more than willing to fight along side you and you're pushing them away!" 

This time, El grew angry. Angry that he's accusing her of something that was entirely untrue, assuming she doesn't want their help. Of course she wants all the help she can get! Of course she doesn't want to do this alone! But she had to. There was no other way. She'd promised herself that Mike and their friends would get out alive, even if that meant she'd quite possibly have to be left behind. Bringing them into this mess, just so they could "protect" her, was like asking for a death wish. This was no doubt a suicide mission, as Mike had previously mentioned to her. 

"I'm keeping you and everyone else safe!" She shouted, the anger spilling out of her like an over flowing pot of boiling water. "I can't risk losing anyone else on my part!" 

That caught Mike off guard, and he blinked a couple times, the words still processing in his brain, and when the realization dawns on him, he just stares at her. They both stare at each other for a few moments, gazes fixed in glares. He finally breaks the silence, "I can't just let you walk in there alone! Not when there's a possibility you won't come back." 

"Which is exactly why you can't come!" 

"Let me come with you!" He shouted at the same time. 

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