Phone calls

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Warning: Kind of sad but not too sad. (After season 3)

Will slapped his sketchbook- he had been drawing a dragon in- down on his bed as he heard the phone ring and the bedroom door across from his open.

Yes, he was getting used to the daily 'Mike and Eleven' phone calls but they were still annoying. All the mushy things said between the two at 9:00 P.M. to whenever they stopped talking was going to kill him one day.

He stood to shut his door as El answered the phone. He was just about to shut his door when she said something he hadn't expected. He kept his door open a few inches.

"Hello?" She usually just goes right into conversation. El twirled the chord around her pointer finger as she waited for a response. Something was said on the other line. "Max!"

Will decided to do something that wasn't very like him: Eavesdrop.


El heard the phone ring out in the hallway. She looked at her alarm clock and saw it read: 9:00 P.M. Having a good guess at who was calling her- she stood and stepped into the hallway. She put the phone by her ear but no one said anything. "Hello?" El spoke up.

"El? Hey, It's Max!" Max's voice said. El's eyebrows scrunched together. Mike was supposed to call her at this time. Not Max. El shrugged. "El?"

"Max!" El said with a smile.

Max must have sensed the confusion because she said, "I called Mike and told him not to call you until 10:00."

"Oh, okay." El said and turned to Will's room where she saw him quickly hide behind his half shut door. She made a weird face, shook her head, and stepped inside her room. She closed the door and flopped down on her bed.

"I have a couple questions that I've been holding in since the day I met you." Max said.

"Okay. What is it?" El asked, swinging her legs back and forth since she was on her stomach.

"Okay first, why didn't you shake my hand when I introduced myself?" Max asked, not in a rude way, more of a confused way.

"Uh, what's the word called? It starts with a 'j' and you feel it when you're-" Max cut off her best friend.

"Jealousy?" Max offered.

"Yeah. Yes, that word. I was jealous and a little mad with you." El said, cheeks flushing from embarrassment.

"Why?" Max laughed.

"I saw you and Mike in the gym." El swallowed. "Thought he just moved on."

"Oh, that. I was just trying to- Wait." Max said, coming to a realization. "Did you make me fall off my skateboard?"

"...Maybe." El said hesitantly. Max laughed and El giggled.

"That's gold." El didn't quite understand that but she didn't question it. "Okay, and Lucas explained some things to me but whenever you'd have a flashback the boys understood but I never did." Max said. "If it isn't a bother could you explain some of your backstory to me?"

"Uh, yeah. Sure." El said. "So, you know Hawkins Lab?"

"Yeah, the Lab that's shut down because of some chemical leakage that killed that girl?" Max asked.

"Yes. Barb. Nancy's best friend." El nodded glumly, remembering when she saw Barb in the Upside Down.

"Oh. Continue." Max said.

"Well, I lived in Hawkins Lab for twelve years. But I ran away when I was twelve." El explained.

"Oh. Why'd they keep you there?"

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