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El was quietly reading on the couch in the cabin while Hopper was making dinner for them. El was so engrossed in her book that when the phone rang she threw her book in the air and yelped. She heard Hopper chuckle as she stood to answer the phone. She reached for it but froze. "Dad? Can I answer it?" El asked Hopper, him now being her adoptive father. 

"Go ahead Kiddo." He replied. El grabbed the phone and put it up against her ear. 

"Hello?" She spoke. 

"El!" A very familiar voice exclaimed.

"Mike!" El smiled and did a little hop on the balls of her feet. 

"Hey, so I was wondering.." Mike started.

"Yeah?" El said to tell him to go on. 

"Well, my family is coming tomorrow for a little reunion because they live in California. I was wondering if you wanted to come? Hopper can to." Mike asked with eagerness in his voice.

"I'll ask." El pulled the phone away from her ear and against her chest. "Dad?!"

"Yeah?" He called back. 

"Can I go over to Mike's tomorrow?" El asked sweetly. "Please." Hopper was silent for a short period of time.

"Yeah, sure. Just be careful. we'll discuss rules during dinner." Hopper finally spoke up. El smiled and brought the phone back to her ear.

"Mike?" El said.

"Yeah?" Came his muffled voice.

"I can come over." El told him. "What time?"

"Great! Uh, 4-0-0." Mike told his girlfriend of almost eight months already. They've been dating since their kiss at the Snowball and it's now currently the end of August. 

"Okay. I have to eat now." El said.

"Okay, see you later, El." Mike replied. They stray from using 'goodbye'.

"See you later Mike." She placed the phone back to where it was on the wall. She then skipped to the table and sat down. "Thank you for letting me go."

"No problem." He ruffled her shoulder length hair. "Now rules." 

"Okay." El said seriously.

"1. No leaving Mike's house without telling an adult where you're going. 2. No using your powers around people who don't know about you. 3. No funny business. Understood?" Hopper said.

"Yes." El confirmed then took a bite of her food.

Line Break---

It was 3:50 and El was sitting on the ground, putting her white converse on. El decided on wearing her dark blue jeans, her black T-shirt with different colored polka dots, and blue suspenders.  (You guys know the outfit I'm talking about? Season three trailers?)

El put her hair half way up and half way down with a purple scrunchie. El waited by the door until Hopper came out of his room ready to drop El off. He was called to the station so he couldn't go with her.

"Alright, El. Let's go." Hopper said and they got into the car and drove off to the Wheeler's. 

They pulled up into the driveway. El opened her door to get out but Hopper put a hand on her shoulder. She turned towards him. "Be careful, okay?"

"Okay." El said and hugged him.

"Love you, have fun." Hopper pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"Love you, too." El said before hopping out of the car and running to the door. Hopper then drove away to work. 

El stood in front of the door and knocked. The door opened and Nancy's face appeared. "Nancy!" El wrapped the older girl in a hug in which Nancy returned. 

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