First Day

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This takes place after season two. It's their first day of freshman year so if you've seen the season 3 trailer then that's what they look like. Mike and El are dating and have been for like 8 months I think because season three takes place in July of 1985, 6 months after season two so plus July and August that's eight months. And lets just pretend that Mr. Clarke teaches freshman science now to be with his favorite students and Mike has met the other teachers before because of Nancy.


Mike and the rest of the Party rode up to El and Hopper's cabin on their bikes except for Max who rode her skateboard. They pulled up into the driveway and stopped by the porch.

Mike hopped off his bike and knocked on the cabin door. Hopper opened. "She's almost ready." Then he walked back into the cabin. Mike waited patiently until he heard a thud and a groan then a little giggle.

"El?" Mike called into the cabin from the porch. "You okay?" Eleven was suddenly standing in front of him and his breath hitched in his throat. She had grown so much more beautiful over the past two years since he's known her.

Her hair had grown so it rested right on top of her shoulders but didn't go passed them. Her brown eyes seemed brighter today. She was wearing a black rompers with different designs scattered over it. (1:18 of season 3 trailer)  White high top converse on her feet, on her wrist was a blue bracelet, and she was even wearing lip gloss.

"Sorry, I... fell putting on my shoes." El informed Mike while she shouldered her backpack.

"Hopper let you wear lip gloss?" Mike joked with a teasing smile. El slapped his arm lightly and then trailed her hand down to his and laced their fingers together. They walked over to Mike's bike where everyone else was waiting for them. Mike got on his bike and El sat behind them. "Ready?"

"Yes." El wrapped her arms around Mike's torso, his backpack between them.

"Ready?" Dustin asked as he rode up next to Mike and Eleven.

"Yes." El said and rested her chin on Mike's shoulder.

"Good." Lucas said. "I think you'll like school."

"I am nervous." El told them.

"You'll be fine." Will said, riding up on the other side of them. El turned her head to look at him. "It's only high school. It's not like it's college."

"College?" Eleven asked, confused.

"College is for 17 years old and up. It's where you go to school to study whatever your career choice requires you to." Max called back since she was in front of all of them.

"Uh, okay." El said. She tightened her arms around Mike as Hawkins High School came into view. They rode up to the bike rack and got off the bikes. El looked around while the boys locked their bikes to the rack and Max talked to Lucas about something.

'People, everywhere.' El thought. She didn't realize that most of the people looked at her, the new girl. Hawkins High School didn't get many new kids each year because of how small the town was. And also because they had never seen her in Hawkins before.

El felt fingers lace with hers and she looked down to see Mike's hand. "What do we do now?" She asked, looking up.

"We get our schedules." Mike answered and they began walking to the doors.

"" El sounded out the word.

"It's a paper that says what classes we have and when." Will said, walking beside El.

"Okay." El said as they neared a room labeled, 'office'. They entered the office and saw a man with graying brown hair, blue eyes, and a wrinkly face smile at them. He stood and walked towards them.

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