She wasn't ready for that one and it took a few minutes to fully process. The petrifying realization that dropped down on her like a brick was so overwhelming she had a hard time catching her breath. He had just, practically, admitted that he was willing to die for her, that he'd do anything just to be with her, even if they both died in the process. But, as much as she wanted to give in, she couldn't let that happen. "Absolutely not! Out of anyone, I can't lose you!" 

"Well, I can't lose you either!" He practically screams, so much emotion in his words that she's taken aback and has to swallow down her own to stay strong. This wasn't a time to break down, this wasn't a time to be vulnerable. 

"Stop being so possessive for once!" 

She knew he wasn't possessive, just worried and concerned, and it warmed her heart to the point she thought it would burst, but considering the situation right now, she couldn't let him know this. This argument needed to end so she could go and save the world... again. But Mike was not giving up anytime soon. 

"I'm not!" 

"Yes, you are! Just let me go!" 

"No! It's a death wish out there! We can figure another way!" 

"There is no other way!" 

"There has to be!" 

"There's not, Mike. The plan was-" 

"And I can't let you do that." 



El let out a small shout of frustration and lifted the arm that wasn't being held captive by Mike's skinny hand and ran her own hand through her curls; a habit she had picked up from girls at her school back in the cities. She stomped her foot against the pavement out of anger, a small force pushing around them, yet not strong enough to hurt anyone. "Why won't you just let me go!?" She yells at him, pure desperation as to why in her voice. 

"Because I love you!" Mike shouted, though his eyes softened. 

Taken aback by his words, El just stared up at his (beautiful) face, taking him all in, his eyes, cheekbones with freckles splattered across his pale skin, his full lips, shark jaw bone. It was finally hitting her that this could be the last time she would ever see him, and all she wanted to do was kiss him senseless for a few minutes, but she couldn't. There were more serious matters to attend to. 

"I've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you in the rain," Mike admitted, a light blush spreading across his cheeks and she bit down a smile of her own. "Even though I had no idea if you were alive or... gone, I loved you throughout those 365 days, and beyond that. I loved you during those lucky six months we had before everything went downhill again, and even if I was a jerk I loved you. I-" 


"And I hit myself everyday for not saying it to you sooner. I should have just spit it out in the grocery store last summer, or at east not have blurted it out to everyone then keep it from you as though I didn't feel that way anymore," Mike said, "because, hell, I'm so in love with you, it never went away, even if you had thought it did. I'm just too chicken to admit things like that and then I overthink, and I felt as though you were moving on because of the distance. Things have just been so complicated and I didn't know how to tell you, or when the time was right, but I love you. I really love you." 


"And some people may say it's puppy love, or that we're just in the honeymoon phase, or that we belong with other people, and that we're just high school crushes, but I know how I feel about you, El," he said, the blush never leaving his face. "And what I feel... it's a stronger feeling than I've ever felt in my entire life. You make me happy, so happy, happier than anyone had ever made me, and I- I don't know what I'd do if I lost you again. I don't want to find out what my life would be like without you. I love you. I love you." 

El surged forward and kissed him. 

He melted right into her, arms encircling her waist as hers went around his neck, the kiss deepening as she tilted her head upward. A couple seconds, minutes, house, who knows how long had passed when they pulled away, resting their foreheads together, chocolate brown meeting caramel brown. 

"I love you," he said again, just because he could now.

"And I love you," El replied in a whisper. 

Sighing in relief, Mike pulled away completely, only grabbing onto her hand as he started to pull her in the opposite direction of the anger, where she needed to go, and said, "Now, let's go figure out another plan. A better, safer plan." 

Heart clenching at what she was about to do, El pushed all her emotions deep down, blocked out all the voices telling her to go the safe route, but she knew how all this worked. Sometimes, the easy path, wasn't always the right path. She planted her feet against the blacktop they stood on top of, and Mike turned around slowly, more confusion etched onto his features. "I'm so, so sorry Mike," she whispered as she slipped her hand out of his, turned around, and ran in the other direction, towards the burning buildings and monster screeches. She knew their friends were holding him back because he hadn't came running yet. 

"Eleven! No!" 

She squeezed her eyes shut as his voice trickled into her ears, echoing throughout her brain, never letting her forget the pain she's currently putting him through. A single tears escaped her closed eyelid and trailed down her cheek, dropping against her collar bone. She continued to run, trying to block out the anguished voice of the boy she so desperately loved. 

And she only hoped that she'd be able to continue to do so. 

There you have it, folks. 

Yup, that's what I want in season four. I want it so bad guys, you don't even know. Like I am legit craving cliche Mileven content right now. Like, I need Mileven, because Mileven depression is killing me... okay, that sounded way better in my head. Anyway, in my little story here, of course she survived and her and Mike are happy. But, of course, he was a bit upset at her at first but, knowing Mike, he got over it pretty quickly. 

I hope you liked it!

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