Chapter 34

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          After the initial heart attack, you let out a slow breath. You recognized the voice, as apparently did Spock.

"Captain," he said hastily, standing up. "It is us."

"Spock?" Kirk lowered his phaser, as did the young man behind him. "What the hell are you doing in a Romulan uniform?"

"It was (Y/N)'s idea," Spock explained, helping you to your feet. "We managed to obtain these uniforms from two Romulan guards who were stunning the crewmembers still in their quarters on Deck Four."

"And you've taken auxiliary control, using them as a disguise," Kirk observed, sounding impressed as he looked around at the half-dozen unconscious Romulans. "Well done."

"The Enterprise is on course for Romulan space," Spock went on. "The auxiliary navigational controls were short-circuited when the Romulans fired upon the ship. I believe we must take the bridge if we wish to avoid an interstellar incident as well as our personal destruction."

"Agreed." Kirk paused, glancing between you and Spock. "Mr. Spock, you and Ensign (Y/N) will stand a much better chance of reaching the bridge without suspicion in those uniforms. Sulu and I will stay in auxiliary control and see what we can do from here."

"Yes, sir," you and Spock said simultaneously.

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