Chapter 11

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          Spock was the only one in the biochemistry lab when you entered, but he didn't look up until you were about two meters away from him. Something like relief flickered across his face, but it was gone too fast for you to be sure.

"This needs your signature, sir," you said, holding out the PADD.

He took it, but didn't sign it. His eyes were on yours, and you hesitated only an instant before meeting them.

"Are you alright-" he paused for a fraction of a second, and you could tell he was teetering on the verge of saying ensign "-(Y/N)? You were unconscious for several days."

"I'm fine," you said, smiling slightly. "Sir, if you could sign that . . .?"

He blinked and quickly signed it. "Of course."

You were halfway to the door when he called you back. "(Y/N)?"

You stopped, but didn't turn around. "Yes, sir?"

"I seem to have you to thank for my survival in Omega IV. The doctor informed me that without your efforts, I would have died long before the search party found us."

You could feel his eyes on the back of your head, and you lowered your gaze to the floor.

"It . . . was my duty, sir," you said.

Then, before he could say anything else, you hurried from the lab.

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