Chapter 2

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          You stood at attention with the other new crewmembers for the Enterprise as your new captain, James Kirk, addressed the group. Honestly, you weren't listening. You were studying the people around you.

Captain Kirk seemed a little too much like your father's type for your taste; a flirt who usually had all the girls falling at his feet. Definitely not to be trusted. A little ways behind him stood a man who was almost certainly a Vulcan, or at least part Vulcan. He had been introduced to you as the second in command. You racked your brains for the name and finally landed on it. Spock. That was it. Unlike the easily assessable captain, you couldn't quite figure him out. He stood resolutely with his arms folded behind his back as Captain Kirk spoke, unsmiling. To you, that was a positive point. If someone smiled too much, they were either delusional or just plain nuts.

You looked away from Spock to the captain once more, forcing yourself to listen to what he was saying.

"- you will receive your division assignment at the same time as your uniform."

You tugged awkwardly at your hoodie. You rarely ever took it off, but you'd have to in order to wear the uniform. You sighed inwardly. Oh well. You'd wanted to join Starfleet to get away from any damn memories Earth held for you. Personal comfort was a small matter.

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