Will I Hurt You? (Fireafy)

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Warning: Mild violence

"No...no...not again..."

She dropped the bloody knife and fell to her knees. She cried into her hands.

"Why? Why do I do this?"

She didn't know what to do. She shook her head.

"Someone...please...make it stop...I can't take it...anymore..."

Three pounds on the door. "This is the police! Open the door!"

She snapped up and spun around. They knew. They knew.

They knew.

They were here to take her away.


Three pounds on the door again. "Open the door! This is the police!"


"No...no! No!"


"No! No!"



Leafy screamed and jerked awake. She quickly swiveled her head around, panting heavily. She breathed a quiet sigh of relief and put her hand on her chest as the comforting dark walls of her bedroom surrounded her. She closed her eyes and shook her head. "Just a nightmare...just the same nightmare."

"Leafy?!" Bubble ran into the room half asleep and half scared to death. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Leafy waved her hand and sighed. "It...it's just a nightmare, Bubble."



"Do...do you need water?"

"I'll get it. Thanks, Bubble."

Leafy watched Bubble walk out of her room and back into her own. She half sleepily and half anxiously crawled out of bed and walked to the kitchen. There, she found an empty fast-food  cup and filled it with tap water. "It's no spring water, but it gets the job done," she thought. As she finished her cup of water, she walked over to the couch and flopped on it for a few minutes, holding her head.

"I...I thought I was cured of my condition when Firey saved me. So...why am I still having these nightmares?"


That morning, Leafy and Bubble walked to school together, as usual. The walk was uncharacteristically uneventful, and they walked up the school stairs with ease. Leafy walked over to her locker and grabbed a few books before closing it and heading to Four's class.


"Good morning, class," Four greeted as the first bell rang.

"Good morning, Four."

"Today, we'll be learning about human reproduction. Now, how many of you were created via human reproduction?" Fifty-nine hands shot up. "Get out," Four ordered the others. "Go to Two's class." The five non-human students got out of their desks and walked out the door.

Leafy couldn't pay attention throughout the entire lesson. Her mind was focused on one thing and one thing only—her nightmares. She didn't understand why when she first had them after the field trip to the camp; she thought the nightmares were part of her condition and as such should've been cured. "I don't understand," she thought. "Why am I having these nightmares if my condition's cured? Unless...did Mother lie to me?"

B.F.D. HighTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon