Chapter 34

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I go with Magnus to Lorenzo Reys party. Alec is watching Camille while I'm gone.

"Well, here we are." Magnus says.

"You're sure bringing me here was a good idea?" I ask him.

"It's better than coming by myself. I'm joking. They'll love you." He says.

"Oh, just because you're the only vampire at a party full of warlocks doesn't mean you can't have fun." He says.

"Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say. You've known these people for centuries." I say.

"You've known some of them for centuries as well. You didn't see me complaining when you dragged me to Raphaels new clan leader party. Trust me, I don't wanna be here any longer than I have to. But it's tradition for the outgoing High Warlock to pass the baton on to his replacement." He says.

"We'll get through this together." I say.

"Is that him?" I ask.

"The one and only: Lorenzo Rey, the new High Warlock of Brooklyn." He says. Lorenzo sees Magnus and waves his arm.

"Magnus! Magnus Bane!" He says, coming over here. Magnus wants to walk away, but I hold him back and we approach Lorenzo.

"You made it, and you brought a friend." He says.

"Yes, hi, I'm–" I start.

"Desiree Belcourt, former Head of the New York Clan. And the head of the New York institutes girlfriend. I expect we'll be seeing quite a bit of each other at your Downworld cabinet meetings. No hard feelings, right, Bane?" He asks.

"On the contrary, I'm very content in my new position. Being the High Warlock is a thankless job. Long hours, little pay. But I'm sure it doesn't matter to a young, civic-minded person as yourself." He says.

"Oh, don't be so jaded. I may only be 484, but I'm no stranger to service. All those years working for the High Warlock in Madrid have prepared me well. Although, I may not be as easy on you guys as he was. After all, I'm here to serve the warlocks, not Portal you around, like some glorified shuttle service." He says to me.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I say.

"In that case, I look forward to our first cabinet meeting. Enjoy the party." He says and leaves.

"Who appointed him?" I ask Magnus.

"Nobody. There was a vote. And Lorenzo can be very charming, as long as you're into phony, no taste, egomaniacal pieces of sh–" He starts. Then I see Madzie.

"Language." I say and Madzie runs towards us.

"Magnus." She says.

"Madzie! Hey, my favorite little sorceress." Magnus says, picking her up.

"I can't believe you brought her just to piss Lorenzo off." Catarina says.

"No, I brought her because she's my friend." He says.

"Something wrong with your drink? Mine tastes weak as hell." She says.

Suddenly, the building starts shaking. People start shouting. Light comes out of Catarina.

"I can't control my magic." She says.

Lorenzo looks at his hands, so do other warlocks, all of their magic is coming out.

"I'm out of here, man." Rufus says.

Rufus creates a Portal. His arm is sucked into it, it's burning off. The Portal moves towards me and Magnus steps in and closes the Portal just in time.

Galaxies (Alec Lightwood)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant