Chapter 7

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I wake up with Alec still holding me. I get his off of me, grab my stuff, and head back to the hotel. I walk to my bedroom to get changed when I hear.

"Now where were you all night?" Ronan asks.

"I was just at Magnus's, having some drinks." I say.

"You know how I feel about that warlock."

"What's wrong with him?" I ask.

"He's just too eccentric for my tastes. Nobody in a position of power should be that reckless and careless as he is. He needs to grow up and become a good leader for his people." He says.

"So he likes to party, he deserves to, he has a lot of stress with the shadowhunters always needing help." I say.

"What has been going on with them?" He asks.

"Oh nothing much, they're helping Clary Fairchild find her mom, tried to get her memories back, took on a werewolf pack to save her and her friend." I say.

"Oh that's good. I have to tell him right away." He says.

"Tell who?" I ask.

"None of your business." He responds.

"But isn't it, I've monitored them for four years, it should be my business." I say. He suddenly grabs me by my throat and holds me up against the wall, my feet dangling.

"I said It's none of your business! You should have learned by now not to cross me. You'll do some good to remember your place. I could easily kill you and replace you in a matter of hours. Your nothing but a spy for me." He sneers at me.

He puts me down and stalks away. I slump down on the floor and start crying. Later Camille finds me still on the floor and comforts me.

"What did he do this time?" She asks.

"Nothing, it was my fault, I provoked him." I tell her.

Alec POV

I walk over to Izzy and she asks me "Slept at Magnus' place?"

"Didn't do much sleeping. I was helping treat Luke's wounds. That's all." I respond.

"Really?" She asks not believing me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. I believe you."

"Okay, Magnus made cocktails for me and Desiree. I'm telling you, nothing else happened." I admit.

"When you're ready to talk about whatever you need to talk about, I'm here." She tells me.

"Hey, I talk to you." I say.

"About everything but your personal life. You know, and it's kind of not fair, because I talk to you about mine all the time. For example, I broke up with Meliorn." She says.

"Really? Turning over a new leaf?" I ask.

"He was a bit much. Apparently, I need someone more Shadowhunter-ish." She says.

"Izzy, I realize that you're trying to take some of the family heat, and I appreciate it, but you can't change who you are." I tell her.

"Really? And you can?" She asks.

"I know who I am. I'm a guy who's about to be disowned when Dad finds out that Jace and Clary are still out doing God knows what." I say.

"I think Dad's used to that by now. This is Jace you're talking about."

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