Chapter 13

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Alec POV
I approach my mom.

"Have you spoken with Lydia? No one's seen her since the wedding. Mom, come on." I say.

"Maryse." My dad says.

"Mom, I understand you're upset, but this is–" I say.

"Calling off the wedding would've been one thing, but kissing that vampire in front of the entire Institute? You've embarrassed all of us." She says.

"Why? Because she's a vampire?" I ask.

"No. Thats the least of my worries." She says.

"Then what's the problem?" I ask.

"That you chose Desiree Belcourt." She says.

"Her reputation precedes her. Alec, there's a lot you don't know about her." He says.

"You do know that she killed her last husband, right?" She asks me.

"He was going to kill her if she didn't kill him first." I defend her.

"Well, then I plan to get to know her. And if you have a problem with that, then I suggest you deal with it. Now, I have to go find Lydia." I say.

"She's probably packing for Idris in your father's office. What she did–" She says.

"Saved my life. So I should go thank her." I interrupt. I go out into the hallway and run into Desiree.

"On a scale of one to ten, how unpleasant was it?" She asks.

"Off the charts. Yeah, I've never seen them so angry." I say.

"Just give them some time." She says.

"You're immortal. Time is on your side. After what I did, I don't think they'll ever forgive me." I say.

"Don't underestimate a parent's love. You don't regret it, do you?" She asks looking worried.

"Everything happened so fast. I didn't have time to think. I just wanna make sure Lydia's okay. Now I owe her so much." I say.

"We owe her. What she did was very brave. Hey, look, maybe we can slow things down? Why don't we start with that date you owe me?" She asks.

"Yeah, let's do that." I say.

"I know this great downworlder bar on 44th–" She recommends. We walk into my dads study and see Lydia on the floor.

"Lydia!" I yell and activate her iratze while Desiree checks her pulse.

"Go get help. You're gonna be okay." I tell them.

"Hodge..." Lydia whispers.
After we find out that Hodge attacked her and that the forsaken was a distraction, I head back to the hotel with Izzy, Clary, and Simon.

"For Shadowhunters, you don't seem to do a lot of Shadowhunting." Raphael says.

"There is more to the job than killing demons." Izzy says.

"We need to find something Camille had." Clary says.

"Go ahead and look through her stuff, but she had so much, you'll never find it." He says.

"Just a second.Look, I know this sounds crazy, but we have to find it. Its a spell book that could wake up Jocelyn Fairchild. Valentine might have the Cup. The entire Downworld's in danger." Simon says.

"It's dangerous to look through her stuff, she could have curses and hexes on it, to protect her stuff." He says.

"You said it yourself: if Valentine has the Cup, the entire Downworld is at risk. I'll let you guys look through her things." I say.

Galaxies (Alec Lightwood)Where stories live. Discover now