Chapter 9

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I get back to the hotel and go to my room. I see Ronan there.

"See I told you, you would come crawling back. Did you finally realize that the Shadowhunter's didn't like you as much as you thought? That we're your one, true, family." He asks.

"I had nowhere else to go." I say.

"I'll always let you back as long as you're still useful to me. And you're lucky because you are." He says.

"Raphaels out trying to find and convince the fledgling to come back." I offer.

"That's good, our numbers are dwindling, we need more people" Ronan says.

Raphael comes back from trying to help Simon.

"I tried to help him, he just called himself and me a monster, threw me into a truck and ran off" He says.

"He can't be helped right now, If he doesn't want help." I say.

"I'll go see him later to see how he's doing." He says then leaves.

"You know what you have to do to apologize to me." Ronan tells me.

I walk over to him and bare my neck. His fangs come out and he latches onto me.

After I'm almost completely drained, he drops my body onto the floor and goes to bed. I don't have enough strength to get up, so I fall asleep there.


In the morning I get a call from the clave wanting to see me and Ronan for some conference. Ronan makes just me go to make up for yesterday. I get dressed then head to the institute.

I walk into the institute and hear Izzy say "Meliorn? What are you doing here?"

"The Clave called me in for some kind of conference." He says.

"Yeah. Me too. They wanted Ronan as well, but he couldn't come. Do you know what they want?" I ask.

"I'm so happy to see you both. I don't know what they want. I didn't know there was a conference." She says hugging us.

"Spare me. Your fire message clearly stated you never wanted to see me again." He says.

"My family–" She starts.

"Despises Downworlders? That's common knowledge." He says.

"Yeah I got that too." I say.

"That's not true. And even if it were, me and Alec aren't like that." She says.

"I'm not here to talk about us." He says.

"Or me and Alec." I continue.

"I believe that's your Clave envoy now." Meliorn says.

"Isabelle, please step aside. Meliorn and Desiree Belcourt, the Clave has ordered that you be placed under arrest." She states.

"What?" We both ask.

"What for?" Izzy asks.

"Soliciting state secrets from a Shadowhunter on behalf of Valentine Morgenstern. Guards." Lydia says.

"Ronan will be furious when he finds out." I say as they handcuff me.

"Oh by the way where is he?" She asks.

"I don't know, he just sent me." I say.

"Almost as if he knew that he would be arrested." She implies.

The guards take us away.

"Have you lost your mind?" I hear Izzy ask.

"Me? You're lucky you weren't arrested along with him." Lydia says.

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