Chapter 29

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I sit at the kitchen table, waiting for Allison and my mom to finish up with their conversation. I look down at my hands, picking at the skin around my nails, my nerves kicking in. I decided that today I'm going to tell Allison that I have feelings for someone, but I don't know how much I'm willing to tell her.

I trust Allison more than anyone. Well, apart from Mason of course. I just don't want to tell him this yet, because I know he'll make a big deal about it and I honestly don't even understand it yet.

"So, I heard that a certain someone made their way back into your heart. Is it true?" My mom asks Allison.

"Yes, it is. Scott did make his way back into my heart," Allison responds.

She smiles and laughs, looking down at her hands. I can't help but smile as well. My one goal in life is to find a love like Scott and Allison. They were meant to meet and fall in love and it shows. They're always happy together, they get along, you can just tell that they're in love and no matter what happens between them, they always find their way back each other.

I think everyone deserves a love like that. A love that consumes you and makes you a better person. Scott never gave up on his love for Allison and it paid off. She forgave him and they got back together, happier than ever.

"And it was always hard to hang out with him around school and act like I still wasn't completely in love with him. It was one little mistake, and I forgave him for it." She tells my mom.

Little back story as to why Scott and Allison broke up. Scott forgot about their anniversary and went out with Stiles and the others. What made Allison super pissed though, was he didn't ask her where she was and it was their one year. He also didn't apologise until he realised how annoyed she was.

But they worked through it and the past is the past.

"Well hunny, I wish you both the best. Makes me happy to see you two like she," she tells her, smiling as she gives her a hug.

"Alright well, we'll just be in my room." I tell my mom, making my way upstairs.

I open my door and make my way towards my desk. I sit down, picking up my stress ball and throwing it in the air. Allison comes in shortly after me, closing my door and jumping on my bed.

She leans over the end of my bed, opening up my movie draw and going though all my movies. As she looks through the various selection, I think about what I'm going to tell her. I want to tell her everything, from the moment I met him, to the kiss, to just last night. But I don't want to mention his name and I don't even know how much I want to tell her.

I don't want to sound desperate and like I'm falling in love, because I don't even know what we are. I don't even know if Theo feels the same way towards me. He might just feel bad or maybe he's bored, or maybe he just wants to experiment with me.

He might not even like me for all I know.

"Alright, we're watching this." She holds up 'Love, Simon' and puts it into the DVD player.

I roll my eyes, shaking my head as I sit down on my bed. Out of all the movies should could have picked, she picks that one. The day I want to tell her a big secret like the one I'm about to tell her, she choses a movie that relates to it.

I get comfortable, getting under the blanket and turning up the volume. I sit there and think about how I want to tell Allison. I could just tell her that I can relate to Simon or that she chose a good movie, because it sums up my life.

I could just drop a hint and then never talk about it again, just hoping she'll eventually put two and two together.

"I honestly love this movie, and Nick is such a good actor. I just love how he portrays Simon," Allison tells me, holding her chest as she speaks.

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