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"What is that....?"

Nightmare couldn't believe what he was seeing, having to rub his eyesocket multiple times to see if his pin prick were playing tricks on him. He was at a large party that was hosting an auction, sitting at a lone table near the middle of the large ballroom, whilst every other person sat in groups on multiple other seats. He had been holding a glass of wine, swirling the red liquid in the cup when he saw it, that magnificent beast of an animal.

It had been dragged in by multiple workers hosting the party, a loud roar cutting through the air as it struggled. It's structure was so tall, their head just about scrapped the ceiling, leaving thin scratch marks in it's wake. The beast was skeletal, taking up the body structure of a tiger, with long, razor sharp canines sticking far out of it mouth. It's mouth was covered by a muzzle, so it wouldn't be able to use it's large mouth to swallow one or two workers whole. It also had eyelights, being heterochromatic with one red eyelight and the other white. To top it off, a blazing red, sideways lightning scar rest on it's right cheekbone, right underneath it's red eyelight.

"Our next prize is a one of kind! You can't find this one anywhere else, not to mention, it's the only one even alive! Say hello to our giant Skeleton SaberTooth!!" Cheers blared from the audience, this was the loudest they've ever been, another roar was torn from the beast's throat, a distraught and enraged look in it's eyelights. cuffs were chained on it's legs and neck, keeping it from trying to escape it's prison.

Nightmare's grin spread widely across his face. he wanted, no he needed that beast as his pet, an oportunity he couldn't pass up.

"Starting bid,$5,000!!" Bids of money were being shouted around, people desperate to have such a specimen as their possession. Nightmare stayed quiet, he was going to get that monstrosity, he was determined to claim it as his own.

"1.5 million dollars! The biggest tonight! Can anyone possibly top this!?!" the announcer exclaimed, a giddy grin stretching across his face as the sabertooth growled lowly in disatisfication. Nightmare scoffed, raising his hand and shouting out,

"3.7 MILLION!!!"


"Your the one who bought it, correct?"

Nightmare stood face to face with a rather tall skeleton. He seemed to be wearing something like a lab coat, the sleeves cuffed at the end and the coat reaching to his ankles. He had deep purple eyes, his skull having two spiderwebbed cracks run through each eye, he also wore a pair of black glasses. On his lower half he had black pants and white high tops. This was the seller of the beast, W.D XGaster.

"Of course, why else would I be here?" Nightmare gave a snarky remark, shoving his hands in his pocket, his phalanges brushing against the stacks of money in his pockets. XGaster narrowed his sockets, irritation irking at him. "Yes, I see that...the beast will be brought to your house at 12:00am tommorrow, no more no less. All we need is your address and contacts."

Nightmare complied, giving his adddress and contacts number to the seller, before being led to the back room. The back room was so large, housing different expensive items you can't find in a public store, multiple people and sellers were around, trading money for their prizes and whatnot. Nightmare's tenacles curled up in anticipation, he felt adrenaline rush through him like a flash, when he heard the menacingly loud roar of the beast he now possessed, as they grew closer to a seperate room.

Upon opening the door, the deafening roars increased and Nightmare could see the beast, chained up like before, not being able to pounce and attack them. A pang hit right through Nightmare's SOUL as he saw the large animal struggle helplessly, lashing out unpredictably.

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