Suddenly, something fluttered in Adelia's line of sight snapping her out of her inner monologue. She turned her gaze to Anne who was smiling brightly, holding a light pink dress that flowed to the floor. It was much more simpler than the first dress and much more prettier and she wouldn't feel like crap wearing it.

She let a smile creep up her face and nodded her head. "Yes, that's the one," she approved.

"That's a beautiful dress," Beth said with a smile.

"Yes, now what accessories would you like to wear with the dress Lady Adelia?" asked Tia.

"Huh? Do I have to?" Adelia asked.

The three girls instantly nodded their heads. "Yes!" They exclaimed simultaneously.

Adelia sighed and gave in. "Fine. Take out the accessories."

The three girls scrambled happily to take out the accessories that might go well with the dress. None of the accessories were to Adelia's taste but she had to wear them either way. At least the accessories she had were a trend here.

"Ah, that's right!" she exclaimed as she remembered something. "Anne are there any other dresses that's simple like the one I'm wearing right now?" she asked.

"Yes Lady Adelia, there were about three dresses that are..." Anne trailed off for a moment. "Low-key," she finished.

That made Adelia smile. She was proud of her for learning how to use low-key instantly.

'But only three dresses huh...'

"Okay I've decided!" Adelia announced. "We're going to do a spring cleaning of my closet!"

She made her way to the closet and started picking out dresses that was too much for her eyes, too much in general and ones that made her retch. There were too many that fit the bill that they had to call in more maids for help. In the end she was left with fifteen dresses. The dress part of the walk-in closet was bare with no more dresses except for the side where the fifteen dresses were hung.

"What are we going to do with these dresses Lady Adelia?" asked one of the maids, referring to the pile of unicorn puke on the floor.

Adelia shrugged. "i don't know, they're not to my taste," she said nonchalantly. "If they are to any of yours, you can go ahead and take it, I'll tell father to take care of the rest," she told them.

Honestly, if someone was diligent enough to revamp the dresses it would work, but she was too lazy for that. Plus, now she had a reason to go shopping.

She huffed. She had totally adapted to the rich life in less than two days. She thought that there was no more hope for me. Someone else should eat the rich for her now.

While in her thought, Adelia wondered where that dramatic brother of hers were. He made such a ruckus when she declared that she didn't have a brother yesterday.

As if on cue, a knock sounded on the door. "Lady Adelia, it's Claus."

"Come in," she said.

Claus was the guy with the navy blue hair. He had worked in the mansion for over a decade and is the head butler of the mansion.

"Good morning Lady Adelia," he greeted.

"Good morning."

"The duke wishes to see you," he said.

"Oh! Great timing," Adelia exclaimed, clearly pleased.

Claus and Anne followed behind her as they walked to the duke's office. When they reached the door to his office, Claus took the lead and knocked on the door. "It's Claus, I've brought Lady Adelia," he announced.

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