Act 1: Chapter 5: agent 3 And 8

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* agent 3's house*
The phone started rinning, and picked up.
3:what's up
Cap cuttlefish: come in octo canyon, we have to talk about important business
3:what's the problem
Cap:we can't talk about this on the phone you have to come here
3:ok, I will come faster than I can.

*end of the call*

I take my hero suit my spletter shoot and went fast to the octo canyon.

At the octo canyon  I saw Marie, Callie, marine, pearl, cap, 8 and a... Stranger...

3:"is this who were you talking about?
Is he an octoling?"

Cap:" this is the point, he is neither an inkling, neither an octoling, he is a.... Human.

Callie was exploding with entusiasm

3:" wait, were't human e extinted years ago? "

Cap:" well it seems that one survived, and I heve a question."

3:" what is the question cap?"

Cap:" you and 8 are the most powerful agents, sooo we want to know if the human can stay with you. "

3:"Listen,I know that I have a large apartment, but it isn't an hotel"

Cap:" please we don't have much chose"

3:"*huff* fine...

Cap:" good,now Y/N come here you are gonna go with 3."

Y/N come near with a dictionary

Y/N:" hi..... Thank.......... You"

Cap: "he still have to learn inkling"

3:"fine, 8 and Y/N come we have to come home, it is getting late"


* at 3's house*
3:"OK here are some rules, first don't touch my things, second you sleep in that room in the end of the corner.

Y/N:" ... ok....."

8:" what eat"

3:" we can have some freeze salmon"

Y/N:"you have... meat.... I cook.."

3:"why you wont to cook, we can eat salmon."

Y/N:"I am.... Italian... Knows.... Cook.... Good."

3:"if you say so let's see."

Y/N start cooking some meat with some fish and things find in the fringe.
Y/N: "10....minutes..."

3:"ok see you later"

*3 goose in the other room with 8*

3:" what do you think about Y/N?"


3:"should we trust him?"

8:"... Think.... Yes...."



*from the kitchen*

Y/N:"... READY! ...."

3:" here we come!"

*in the kitchen*

He prepared the table and put some meat fish and other thing in the plate, he prepared every thing for eat, me and 8 sit down, it smels really good, we tryed it and.... IT TASTES SOOO GOOD IT is Fantastic.

3:"THIS IS SOO GOOD were you learn?"

Y/N:"I am...... Italian..... Cook good...... Tradition"



Y/N:(thinking) STONKS

3: (thinking) they are really cute when they try to talk...

*skip after eated (king crimson skip the time!) {I love jojo reference}*

3:" ok, time to go to bad. Tomorrow me and 8 will show you around snowd-

Autor note:
The memes tell me to do it

no no I mean inkopolis..."

Y/N:" .... Ok......"

8:" see...... Tomorrow..... "

3:"good night!"


*In the night*
I woke up in a dark room, there was just a light on me from the top of the room
And stangerly I cannot move from the chair I am on
Y/N: where am I.... Why I can't move...?

And without preavvise I heard someting...

??:" it's all your fault"

Y/N: "what...?"



Than the voice shows up and I saw.... Agent 3...? but she was covered by her own blood

Y/N:"agent 3....?

Than another figure talk


Y/N:wait agent 8....?



It was agent 8 but he was also covered by blood and he was pointing slowly a.... Wait it is human gun.... An ambassador? We're did she got one?!?!

I cannot move or talk, he was slowly pointing at me and I was paniking
Was I gonna die!?.... Like this, I survived the the 3 ward War at now I will die like this?!?!
He was going to shoot me in the head and he said me

8:" go burn in hell"

And he shoot

*get up from the bed faster*

*huff* *huff* *huff*..... Looking oround in the room

Y/N:" it was just a dream.... But it felt so real...."

I get again in my bed

Y/N:"well I have to sleep tomorrow is a big day"

Autor note:
Hi everyone who read this I hope you enjoyed this specially you JoseFrancesco this is for you I hope you enjoined.
Remember if you have ideas for the story write it to me.
Have a good day
That gold experience requiem will be with you!
And this is why stonks isn't gonna die

 Have a good dayThat gold experience requiem will be with you!And this is why stonks isn't gonna die

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