"Stark, we really need to get inside," said Steve as I shot down a few guards that emerged from the bunker.

"I'm closing in," said Stark as I slid through the snow, avoiding it's beam then jumped up onto it and struck my sword into it, a reign of yellow fire blasting me through the air and into the icy carpet. I tenderly touched my cheek, wincing at the ugly burn but knowing it will most likely completely heal within a day or so.

"The drawbridge is down, people," said Stark through my earpiece as I breathed a slight sigh of relief as I picked up my undamaged sword.

I looked at the vast distance I still had between myself and the base and shook my head at the futility. I turned back and headed towards the main line of action as the area was now clear. I mentally punched myself for discarding my motorcycle as I could have gotten there and infiltrated the compound, it was better to risk my own life than them risking theirs. They had people to live for, I for one, no longer did.

"Clint's hit pretty bad, guys. We're gonna need evac," said Nat as I neared another tank.

Not slowing down, I drew my bow and shot my silver arrows into it's front wheels, jamming them. I heard the explosion behind me as I released arrows at the line of guards behind it.

I strained my ears for any sound of activity but hearing none.

"We're locked down out here," said Nat as I caught sight of the nearby machines holding their hands out in surrender.

"We have a second Enhanced. Female. Do not engage," Steve said as I continued through the winter wonderland. "I got Strucker," he came again a few seconds later.

"Yeah, well I got something bigger," said Stark. "Thor, I got eyes on the prize."

I looked up to the heavens in relief at his words, finally retrieving our objective after these countless missions.

I slowed my pace slightly as Thor dropped down next to me, his hammer slowing to a stop.

"Ready to go," he said extending his hand to me, his eyes light at Stark's news of the sceptre.

"Yeah," I nodded, moving my left hand with my fingernails chewed off to his muscular palm as the adrenaline vanished from my body, leaving my heart heavy once again.

As my hand came into contact with his rough skin, my shoulders felt a little lighter.

* * *

"You're going back to Asgard," I said to Thor as we walked down the ramp of the quinjet after it had settled onto the Avengers tower.

I couldn't deny the mountain of disappointment that I felt as I wouldn't be able to see him as often as I had been this past year. As much as I hated to admit it, he was a vital part of me, helping me push through my days. Him leaving meant that there was no possible relief of the dark shadow that pressed over me.

"I have no choice, Selene. I have to return Loki's sceptre to my father and who knows what he shall have me do once I get there."

"No, it's okay. I understand. I'm most likely going to stay in Olympus. See what needs to be done there. Besides, I sold the house, it was too much to bare being alone there," I said, the last part quieter than the rest.

"You are more than welcome to come with me, to Asgard, I mean. There is nothing to say that you cannot, our realms are now united in harmony thanks to you," he said, smiling at me.

"No, I couldn't. I can't image what Zeus would say if he was to hear that I was there instead on at Olympus."

"And I would have no problem telling him that you are there on my orders," he replied, smirking at me.

I looked down to hide the light tinge that appeared on my cheeks. "I don't know Thor, maybe another time. Tartarus is not as stable as it used to me and we cannot afford any more civilian casualties."

"In that case, if you ever need anything, don't be afraid of dropping onto Asgard. No matter the importance of the task I am doing, it will always come second to you."

and so age of ultron is officially hereee!! very very excited for this guysss

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and so age of ultron is officially hereee!! very very excited for this guysss. please do vote and comment. thank you so much for readingg!!

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