What would your state of mind be in that situation?

Would you be able to easily accept it??


Would you be in denial??

Whatever,you choose the only thing I know is that it will be hard!!

And Jungkook was no exception to it,after all he's like us too,isn't he??

So,it was really hard for him to accept the reality.
He felt like his ears weren't functioning properly,or Yoongi had said something else and he has misunderstood it.

But his heart----his heart knew that whatever he heard was right,and it can't be changed.

So he got out of his initial shock,well tried to get out----and he knew that he could remenicise the good times with his bestie later on.

For now,he needed to get to the bottom of this matter.

"Kook are you fine??"yoongi asked as he saw Jungkook's state.

"Hyung,tell me why do you doubt yugyeom?"only Jungkook knew how hard was it for him to say those words out.

"Jungkook,I understand you are not in the right mind,please take your time and we'll discuss it later"

"Just tell me the reason"
He said in his alpha voice,eyes blood red.

Yoongi sighed as he knew there was no way in delaying it now,Jungkook was stubborn as hell.

"Okay,first off the day Taehyung went to uni,yugyeom was there too and I saw him in the same state as Taehyung.
His body was bloodied and he was unconscious too,his mate was carrying him.This all happened in the same day,same time and at the same location.
It can't be a coincidence.
Also this won't be the first time he has hurt Tae"

Out of yoongi's entire explanation,the only thing Jungkook could make out was----yugyeom has hurt Tae before.

"I asked when has Tae been hurt by him???"

Then it dawned on yoongi,that Jungkook didn't knew about the whole "party fiasco".he was surprised to say the least.

"Jungkook do you know what happened at Jackson's party?? and why did Tae slapped Yugyeom???"

Jungkook nodded he knew what had happened---yugyeom has told him----

"Yes Hyung,Yugyeom told me about it"
"And what did he told you??"

"He told me that--that Tae seduced him and afterwards he told everyone that Yugyeom took advantage of him---" Jungkook said in a frustrated voice,clearly he didn't wanted to talk about it.

Hearing about Tae and Yug together,made his insides twist.

Yoongi's eyes widened---this isn't the truth----Jungkook has been kept away from the truth this entire fucking time.

'Omygod!!!!I can't imagine how messed up this is gonna be!!'yoongi thought.

Apparently yoongi was silent for too long and this made Jungkook question him.

"Hyung,what happened why did you became silent all of a sudden???"

Yoongi was mentally preparing himself as to how to break the truth to Jungkook.
He started---

"Jungkook----did you believe whatever Yugyeom told you about Tae??"He asked in a small voice.

"Honestly,Hyung I did-----I mean at first,when Yugyeom told me this----I really did believe him....but after---"

enemies/mates(a vkook fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang