chapter 3

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They entered the elevator in silence until Tony spoke up. "Friday? Tell Bruce to prep the med bay." He stood up straight in his clean cut suit that Peter was used to seeing him in. Besides the Iron man suit of course, his hands were interlocked in front of him. It was nice to be back around Tony, the whole time that they were not in contact, Peter had been waiting to get a call from him, saying that he needed help again, or maybe that he just wanted to work in the lab. Sure these aren't the best circumstances, listening to Tony lecture him in a calm tone when he was supposed to be mad was kinda scary, but it was better than nothing.

"Yes boss" She confirmed with her thick irish accent.

"Really Mr. Stark we don't have to do this. I heal quick, they'll probably be all gone by tomorrow" He tried convincing Tony. He moved his leg trying to show the mobility that he had. Tony rolled his eyes back into his head, letting Peter know that 1. He looked stupid doing it, and 2. He wasnt going to cave.

"Here's the thing, it's quite funny actually. It's not up to you" He said putting the colored glasses that he had taken off earlier, back on. The elevator opened and revealed a room Peter had never been in before. Before he even had the chance to follow Tony in, THE Bruce Banner was rushing towards them.

"Tony what's going on?" He said urgently while placing one hand on Tonys back and shaking his hand with the other one. He didn't even notice Peter behind him. He felt so small standing behind not one, but both of his childhood heros.

"Woah, slow down there banner, nothing too urgent. Just an unruly teenager" he said, throwing his head in Peters' direction. Bruce looked over, finally noticing the boy.

"You must be the teenager." Bruce said, trying to be friendly but also very confused on why Tony would even talk to a kid that young when he can barely even stand the team. Peter stood in awe, with practically stars in his eyes

"And you're Bruce Banner. I've read every single one of your books on Gamma Ray exposure and I never thought I'd get the chance to tell you how incredibly amazing I think you are. Your work is unparalleled."

"Huh the kid sounds an awful lot like me when I met you, minus the whole green rage monster part. But let's keep the drooling to a minimum when I've never seen you do it over me. He's not the only genius in the room." Tony's ego interrupted, not phasing Peter who suddenly started to feel stupid for standing infront of his idol to get treated for some dumb little burns.

"Let's get this going. The kid has some burns on his leg, and a real shitty amount of smoke in his lungs." Tony urged them to start treating his injuries.

"Alright, come right over here and take a seat" Bruce walked over to the cushioned table that Peter would be sitting on. As he looked at Peter's leg, he was taken aback. They were much more severe than he expected.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened here?" Bruce lightly brushed his finger over the burns causing Peter to stiffen up.

Do I tell him I'm spider man?

He looked over to Tony for confirmation who sat a few feet across from him with his arms crossed. Tony slightly nodded, wanting Bruce to get all the information he could so that he would be able to treat him properly.

"Well, im um spider man" He ignored Bruce's surprised face, he knew that he would just comment something like 'But you're a kid!'

"And um there was an apartment complex set on fire by an arsonist and I went in to make sure everyone was out. A few pieces of rubble and boards on fire caught my leg, but I'm sure it's fine" Bruce just nodded in response, working on cleaning out the burns.

"Speaking of! Now you're going to explain yourself" Tony said confidently, letting Peter know that he wasn't going to get out of it. He uncrossed his arms and placed his elbows on his knees, leaning in intently waiting for the kid to start talking.

"It just wasn't that bad Mr. Stark I swear! I wouldve called you if it was!" Peter lied, knowing that he'd never want to burden Tony with a 15 year old superhero who couldn't even handle a situation himself.

"Actually it is bad. Your burns are 3rd, pushing 4th degree, and the amount of smoke in your lungs is a concern. It would be ideal for you to stay in the tower for the weekend so that I can check your healing process and start you up on oxygen treatments." Bruce commented, not helping Peter's case at all.

Tony raised an eyebrow and smirked looking at Peter who was trying to downplay the situation.

"I would like you to take it easy on this leg, avoid any labor that could get you out of breath, which also means, as much as you don't want to hear it, no patrolling" Bruce informed Peter, who at this point was bummed beyond belief.

I need to patrol. There can't be a friendly neighborhood spider man if I get locked up everytime I get hurt.

Tony stood up clapping his hands together. "Ah Brucey took the words out of my mouth. Couldn't have said it better. Since we're done here let's continue this powwow in the kitchen."

Tony led Peter back to the elevator and into the kitchen that he was familiar with.

"So the good news. You don't have any more explaining to do because all I'm getting out of you is a 'Mr Stark it wasn't that important' and it's driving me nuts. The bad news is happy isn't going to be too overestatic to find out that he has to play housewife and go grocery shopping because I need to feed a kid whose metabolism is 3 times as fast as ours."

Peter felt embarrassed taking up Tony Stark's time, him having to help him do something he knows he already should.

"Well. Don't just stare at me. Sit!" Tony said gesturing towards the expensive chairs that surrounded the island of the kitchen. He watched Tony open the huge stainless steel fridge that was stocked to the brim with all the things anybody could ever ask for. Peter doubted he had even seen that much food in his life, definitely not at the apartment with may at least.

"What are you in the mood for?" Tony said, not turning around to look at Peter, his arms holding both doors of the fridge open. "Oh let me guess, I bet you're in the mood to go out and get yourself hurt and keep it a secret"

"Mr. Stark I really am sorry" Peter said, trying to avoid any more conflict. Sure he knew Tony, but that didn't mean he wasn't a scary presence alone, not to mention when he was upset.

Tony lowered his tone for the first time since Peter had gotten to the tower. "Just want to look out for you, kid"

The weekend had consisted of Peter getting checked up on by Bruce, and Tony constantly trying to get him to eat. He was sure he would bust a lung if he had anymore food, especially since his stomach wasn't used to such copious amounts. They had spent time in the lab and Peter was able to concoct a whole new web fluid with more buoyancy. Although he had been through a lot with Tony, he still never saw him on a human level. Whenever he looked at him he saw him as the superhero he looked up to growing up. Peter could remember when he had disappeared around the same time the manderian issue was happening. He was so scared that his favorite superhero had died

"Aunt may is he really gone?"

"Im sure hes okay buddy, hes iron man. Hes just got to save the world under the radar every once in awhile" she tried to assure the young boy. 

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