chapter 23

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"May is it going to be cold out today?" peter asked holding a flannel that he was unsure to put on over a science pun shirt.

"Bring it, just in case." she said motherly, smiling at him lightly. "Wheres your backpack?" she questioned. The smile slipped from her face into a slightly disappointed frown. "Don't tell me you've lost that one too"

He apologetically creased his lips into a straight line as she sighed. "Just kidding" he quit his facade as he went into his room and slipped the back pack over his shoulders.

"Be safe Peter. There's been some concerning things happening around here. A new 'hero'" she air quoted "running around stopping cars with his bare hands and swinging by string. I don't trust it yet"

Peter silently laughed. That was may. Worried, sceptical, and protective. She had to be, with Ben being gone, people go a little crazy after they see so much loss.

"If I see him, I'll steer clear," he said, putting her nerves at ease. He gave her one more reassuring look and walked out the door. His old white, raggedy earphones swung in his ears as he walked down the street. It was nice not having to carry all of his papers. He will have to make sure to web his backpacks in more remote places.


School was long but it wasn't bad. It never is. Flash is a bully but that is a reflection of himself. He never thought about it past the end of the school day. He had plans of putting his makeshift suit on and 'patrolling' the city but decided against it because he got this sick new keyboard from the dumpster. Sure it looked like trash, but when you have the brains he has there are endless opportunities for what he could build. Of course not as endless as tony stark or anything. Man if he had the money or intelligence ironman holds, he would be in paradise. Peter eagerly walked home, happiness clearly written on his face. It had been a good day today. He saw ned and mj, flash was gone, and a math test... nailed it.

He got out his key as he reached closer to the apartment complex and stopped dead in his tracks as he looked at the curb. Next to all of the poor vehicles of queens, an insanely expensive car was parked.

"May, there's this crazy car parked outside" Peter said after their formal 'how was school' greetings. Peter paused in his tracks. Sitting on the couch with may was Tony Stark, a billionaire, the smartest man on earth, iron man. But for some reason peter felt like this wasnt his first time meeting him.

"Oh Mr. Parker"

"Um" Peter stuttered, taking his earbuds out "wha- what are you doing here"

"Hey im- i - im peter"


Peter had a weird feeling. Not an uncomfortable one. Of course he was starstruck. This is his idol, but for some strange reason, the man whose dark eyes were staring at him, the man who only talked like he was selling a deal or sealing a business gave a familiar feeling. It sounded so strange but he felt like he's seen more of him than this just this. Than just him saving the worlds and building the highest technology.

"Its about time we met" tony said dashingly in front of his aunt.

An intruding thought entered Peters head before he could respond. 'We already have' confusion flooded Peter. He thinks he wouldve known if he had met, let alone come in contact with the great tony stark.

"You've been getting my emails right?"

Another vision entered Peters head

"Karen accept"

"Hi Happy!" He saw happy's face appear in a small box, revealing him in a black suit and tie. He was sitting in a car.

"Boss needs to see you kid. I'll be at your apartment in 15 minutes. Don't make me wait." Happy hung up the call as Peter's mind began to race.

Peter shook the thoughts out of his head in confusion. Whos happy and whos 'boss'

He decided to respond before things got weird "uh yeah. Regarding the.."

"You didnt tell me about the grant"

"Bout, bout the grant"

"The september foundation" Tony stark said and gestured his hand as if he was offering this made up information.

"Can i have 5 minutes with him?" tony asked aunt may

Peters head spun.. 5, 5, why is that significant to me? 5 something. 5... years? Why was his mind saying these things. What did all of this mean to him.

Before he knew it he was in his little queens room with a man worth more than everything in his apartment combined. 'What does all of this mean. Ive never met him before why do i feel like i have? What does 5 years mean?'

"Peter" the man tried to get his attention as he was in his own head, but his voice seemed further away and more echoey than in his room



"What is he in and out like this this isnt normal for Peter?"

"Goddamit bruce I thought we were over with this. I thought you said you got the blood out"

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