chapter 20

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Tony's anger rose up as he paced around. It had been 4 hours since he watched the video of those goddamn fucking- those people had shot the kid in his leg. He could see Peter put on a strong face, he was joking but the panic he saw in his eyes when he started spewing blood was a look he never wanted to see in his eyes ever since the first time he saw it.

It was the same frantic stare that he had looked at tony with the day he had picked him up from the sight of mays crash. A calm face, with frantic eyes dashing around in confusion and hurt. They were wild and big and brown and they were begging for Tony to save him. But the scariest part of all of this was when his eyes stopped looking for his guardian for protection. The scariest part was when he realized that Peter had given up.

And the things he said, that wasn't Peter, that was tony. That was his own sarcastic, mocking tone.

When Tony had watched that video, he was watching himself in that cave. He needed to stop poisoning him, that wasn't polite Peter, he had learned his harshness from Tony.

He was ripped from his thoughts to the ping of a notification that Friday had put through. He focused his attention to the blue holographic screen that lit up the room.

File loading %50

"Load faster dammit" he said impatiently

Almost on cue a picture filled the room. Tony sucked in a deep breath and never let it out. His heart fell to his stomach and his face went pale. His knees were buckling but he didnt notice. His ears could only hear a high pitched buzzing sound as he immediately shifted his eyes from the picture that was now permanently ingrained on his mind. His legs gave out underneath him as his calloused hands harshly hit the ground in an attempt to catch himself.

He urgently stuck out one arm calling the suit to him, pain etched in his face as well as anger that he had never felt before. "Friday track the location from that photo" the suit wrapped around him

"Boss they stated in the previous video it wasn't a wise choice to track them, I suggest bargaining with the trade they had brought u-"

"What did I just say dammit?!" he yelled. His screen filled with directions to an empty warehouse. He shot out of the tower.

Friday had alerted the rest of the team that Tony had left with hostile intentions.

Steve raced down the stairs to the lab, He saw the boot thruster leave the tower as he reached the bottom "Tony no!" he yelled

He knew he was going to Peters location, he also knew that that would put Peters life in danger. He wanted the kid safe just as much as Tony did, but he knew these men were not bluffing.

Steve stood in the lab, looking at the fresh hole Tony had created in the tower from leaving so quickly. He heard a loud gasp behind him. He quickly turned around to see Natasha at the bottom of the stairs, one covering her mouth, and the other pointing at the holograph that had been reflecting a blue hue in the room.

Steve followed her finger to see the most graphic picture that he could have imagined. Not just because it was Peter, but because of the state he was in.

It was a poorly taken picture of him in a semi dark room. Concrete walls surrounded him, as well as the floor he lay on. The floor he was laying on face down. No chair, like the video. Just him in an empty room. A puddle of blood pooled around his curly head of hair. His right arm was bent in an ungodly angle. Twisted and pointed upward. His leg that was shot early had been reopened and bleeding. He heard Rhodes come down the stairs as an indescribable sound left his lips. Steve continued to analyze the picture in fear. There was a dusty boot print on his back, and his back looked.. Caved in. there was something sticking out of his side, steve stepped closer to the hologram. It was a rib. Sticking clean out of his skin. He felt bad for gagging, but it was the hardest possible thing he ever could have looked at.

He looked cold, his skin bordering on being blue. He looked... dead.

"Get bruce and prep the med bay" Steve didn't even try to hide the wavering in his voice and the worry plastered on his face.

Tony had wasted no time blowing a hole through the side of the warehouse. Peter was in there. He needed to get to Peter. He shook inside of his iron suit. His legs and arms shivering, his jaw clenched. His eyes burned. They had become red from his lack of blinking. The clunking of his metal boots against the concrete reminded him where he was. He was walking, and he was walking towards people. He was walking towards the monsters that had taken his son. His son. Peter was his son and he couldn't be dead.

He broke into a run, as the men raised their guns, they rained fire on his suit. The suits he had made in a cave, the same way that Peter was in a concrete warehouse. He lifted his arms blasting the men who got in the way to his son. They fell to the ground instantly. Tony had left a trail of bodies, laying on the floor, what a mess he had made. He had one true person in life and seeing the picture of Peter had made him realize that he was that person. From bringing him to Germany, to scheming with his aunt over how he was to take custody of the mentee once she had passed. Now he was making a carpet of bodies to find his person. Not his mentee, it was never about spiderman. It was about Peter. From day 1. His son.

He came upon the door, he shot it open. At this moment nobody could stop him from getting his kid. Nobody could, but the fact that there was no sign of him except for the darker puddle of blood that surrounded his head from the picture, could. Peter wasn't here.

Steve was alerted by Friday that there was a breach in the tower as he was with Bruce, prepping the med bay for the worst case scenario. He looked over at Bruce, telling him with his eyes to stay calm. Panic filled Steve as he ran out, grabbing his shield and throwing it over his shoulder.

He pressed on the com in his ear lightly "Friday what level is the intruder on"

"I'm detecting heat signatures coming up the elevator to the main level" she said confidently with a hint of weariness.

He swiftly took the shield off of his back and positioned it a way that he could throw it. Taking at least a few people out without throwing any punches. Rhodes joined him in his war machine suit, standing intimidatingly behind the soldier.

The elevator opened as their defenses went up. But it was something they weren't expecting to see.

Bucky stood in the elevator, holding Peter whos chest hardly rose up and down.

Steve pressed down on his com "Tony get to the tower now"

"Not until I find my fucking kid rogers" Tony was out of breath and slightly yelling in a panic

"Tony. Its Peter"

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