chapter 2

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Once Peter assured himself that he wasn't buried underneath concrete, he stood up, and noticed the pain that he was in. He felt the stinging from the burns on his legs and the cuts that the glass from the window created. Well the suit isn't going to be easy to get off he thought as he mustered up enough energy for his arms to hold his weight underneath his webs to take him home.

"Incoming call from May Parker"

Why is she calling? Isn't she at work? May worked as an ICU nurse so she did not often have that much time on break and she was working most days and nights. Peter tried to steady his voice and sound as normal as possible before telling Karen to accept.

"Hey May!" he said cheerfully to his last living family member

"Peter? There is a building on fire in queens, I don't want you going on patrol tonight okay? It's not safe, you need to leave this up to the professionals. Okay buddy?" She said with worry laced in her voice

"Yeah of course! I'm just going to finish up some homework then head off to bed." He felt guilty lying, but he didn't want to put any extra stress on her.

"Okay, I got to get back to work, I larb you!"

"I larb you too, May"

Peter heard her hang up and he took a deep breath, after trying to keep it steady for so long. He made it back to his small apartment and laid on his bed, not caring that the suit was dirty. He let out a long coughing fit. "Karen?"

"Yes Peter?" She said compassionately, knowing that he had just gone through a lot.

"What do you use to clean out burns?"

"I would suggest contacting Tony Stark. He has requested to be informed of any injury you get."

"Karen, I can take care of it myself, just promise you won't tell him."

"Peroxide and neosporin, first run them under cold water." She said defeated

Peter carefully took up the tattered, burnt suit and changed into comfortable, loose fitting clothes. He bit a towel as he slowly poured hydrogen peroxide over his burns. He knew they would be all scabbed over by tomorrow due to his super healing, but he still wanted to properly take care of them so if May saw, she wouldn't be too upset.

After he cleaned and covered all of his wounds he took his suit and put it back into his backpack, where he always kept it, just in case. He knew he was going to have to get the proper supplies to fix it, just in case he ever saw Mr. Stark and he noticed that the suit was torn up. He didn't want him to think he wasn't appreciative or something.

He went back over to his bed and let his head hit the pillow, cautiously, to avoid irritating any of the extremities he had acquired over the course of tonight. Usually he would lie awake at night, tossing and turning, wondering if there was more that he could do. But tonight, he knew he would have no problem falling asleep.

He woke up the next morning exhausted and sore. Memories flooded back into his head of the burning building and his anxiety over the toomes incident. As much as he didnt want to, he knew he had to go to school.

Aunt may had gotten home early in the morning so Peter was sure to be quiet as he left, neglecting to eat anything although he really needed to due to his fast metabolism. In fact he needed to be eating twice as much as what a normal healthy human should be eating in a day.

He ran out to the subway station, still slightly limping due to his burns rubbing against his jeans. The ride seemed longer than normal, but it was probably just the fact that his whole body was sore that made sitting in a crowded train just the little bit more unbearable.

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