Roblox piggy infection mode in a nutshell

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Ah yes, infection mode.

Penny finds out she has an epic disease earthworm Sally gave her lmao, so she walks towards mother and father and infect them, George runs like the wind or like Sonic idfc. Mother, father and penny infect doggy and foxy and sheepy Because again yes. They t-pose because I guess that's  funny. Soon enough E V E R Y O N E is infected and earthworm Sally is chilll so very chillll

George sees that everyone is infected so he screams like Tyler1 while pro gamers raged in the background, Mr p looks at everything and slowly walks away hoping nothing would happen

999 minutes later

Everyone is t-posing and then a random explosion happens how the fuck did they pull that off??

George becomes infected and ya yeets himself across the plant and all the other chapters

Game Over

Everyone dies and the new round begins and George is non existent. The end

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