Chapter 13: The Chase

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry about it. Just keep running. I'll be with you when I can!"

"But what abo--" then before she could finish her sentence. I jumped off her back and did a flip in mid-air. I landed on the ground and waited with my sword out. I quickly ran behind a tree. Then one of the riders came up really close. I grabbed the saddle and swung myself on to the horse and plunged my sword into the guy's chest. Then I looked over to see another guy coming. Damn it. This is not what I wanted to do right now. But whatever. Let's just get this over with. So I turned my current horse around to the new guy that was coming toward. The horse started to fight me and I had trouble controlling it. So once I got to the guy who was in a dark blue cloak, I jumped off the horse and then went into a double back turn and landed on top of his horse and knocked him off. I went flying to the ground as well. Luckily
I was not that injured. The other guy wasn't so lucky. Then I looked up to see Eliza running back toward me.

"What the fuck are you doing?!?! I told you to keep running and don't stop!"

"Well, I couldn't just leave you. Now could I? Plus I could see you from where I was standing when I took a breather. Now get on my back and let's go! I see three more coming this way."

"Ok ok ok. I'm coming. Sheesh," I said as I climbed on to her back. But I could feel how tired she and I both were. We weren't going to outrun them. At best we'd trick them and ride off back to the camp. But even that was unlikely at this point. "Eliza. If I get captured... you have to promise me that you will ride straight back to camp and tell them what happened. But DO NOT send a rescue team. We might get lucky and I'll be taken straight to Adam and maybe I can negotiate peace"

"That sounds like a horrible idea but as you wish"

Just then the other five horsemen were right behind us. We were going as fat as we could but we were just too tired. Behind us, we heard the sounds of hooves approaching us rapidly. Then all of a sudden, I saw one of them pull out a brown bag. I wonder what that coul-- oh shit! I thought to myself as I tried to regain control of Eliza but it was too late. The horseman in the black cloak had pulled a cobra out of the bag and threw it right in front of Eliza. She whinnied and then reared up, losing her balance. I couldn't hold onto the reins and fell off of her as she too tumbled over. I fell and hit my head really hard. I couldn't move let alone get up. The world started to spin and I could barely make out what was happening. The world was beginning to go black. But I could still make out what the horsemen were saying.

"Yes! We got her. King Adam is going to be very pleased" said the one in a green cloak

"But do we even know who she is? She could just be one of the foot soldiers or not even part of the war" said the one in a blue cloak

"She gave a freakin' motivation speech. That has to mean something. I mean who says stuff like that and isn't important at all, there's no way she isn't..." I couldn't make out who was talking anymore since the rest of the world became black.

I finally came to but I had no idea how long I had been out for. I looked around and saw that my hands and feet were tied with rope. I also was gagged so I couldn't talk at all. However, I saw that Eliza was looking at me. But she wasn't tied up. Instead, they were talking to her. "Now you piece of shit, you will ride back to where ever you came from and tell your precious Princess that we have one of her generals"

Eliza rolled her eyes, "first of all, I'm not a piece of shit. Second of all, what makes you think she'll care? This is just another foot soldier."

Why would Eliza say that? I'm the commander of her whole army. Unless she's... Ohhhhhhh. She's making it look like I mean nothing to her and that I'm just an ordinary soldier. Smart girl. No, I just have to keep that act up which means I won't be telling them shit. I thought to myself as they kept on talking.

"I don't care really who she is. But I know Ariana and she would never let someone in here army be captured and not do anything" said the one in the black cloak who was leaning up against a tree

"You underestimate her," said the one in red

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. But what I do know is that I will get my lady back and you will all die at some point," said Eliza as they were tying my sword and crossbow to her saddle

"Is that so? Well... we'll see about that. Heyah!" said the one in black as he came up and slapped her signalling for her to take off. Eliza turned and looked back at me one last time before running at full speed back toward base camp.

"Now, what to do about you?" said the black one as he turned around

"Hey, bossman. She's awake. What do we do now?"

I glared at the one in black and wiggled a bit trying to get free as he approached me. He spoke to the rest of his crew while still looking at me. "Well, for now, she should stay knocked out". Then he was right in front of me. He lifted his foot and then stomped down hard on my head. The world went black instantly and I had no idea what was going on or what would happen to me.

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