"You're lucky I like you," Nicki commented, pointing at him before letting Raquel pull her out of the room.

"Are you sure this is as hype as you're making it out to be?" Kaylen couldn't help but ask as we walked. "All y'all have been saying it that something went down during break that'll blow our minds. And the only thing that could blow my mind is- what in the hell is Will wearing?!"

"That makes no sense," I stated as I followed after them only to freeze in shock at the fact Will walking in our direction in a dress and stockings with flats to complete the look.

But her face looked like she was ready to murder somebody.

Or her own self.

I wasn't so sure.

This has got to be a joke.

"Don't say anything." She growled as soon as she reached us and we were all a little too speechless to think of anything that made sense to say.

"Did somebody die?" Rocky asked. "Did I die? What are you wearing right now?"

"I told you not to say anything!" Will whined.

"I'm sorry! I'm really caught off guard right now." Rocky defended. "What's this about?"

"I lost to Donte in a one on one game and instead of betting like a normal fucking person and betting money, we got to pick penalties. And this was mine." She gestured to her outfit. "He dropped me off to make sure I went through with it."

"I actually think you look cute." I couldn't help but say.

Will had a body. She was blessed with assets that most girls dreamed about. But no one ever knew that because of the baggy clothes she liked to wear. On a too hot of a day at the blacktops, and Will took off her shirt to reveal her sports bra, she had heads turning, and niggas almost doing 360s. So, of course, she was gonna look good.

The outfit could've been a little more thought out but, seeing the way she looked like she wanted to kill me for my comment, this was clearly the best we was gonna get.

"If you don't shut the fuck up!" She pushed me, making me stumble into Kay.

"Did you bring a change of clothes or anything?" Kay wondered.

"Shawn and Eric are watching me. There's no way."

Then Nicki started laughing. Like hysterically laughing. Clinging onto Rocky for support as she crouched over nearly in tears and I couldn't help but join in seeing how infectious her laugh was.

"Man fuck y'all." Will threw us the bird before starting to walk away.

"Wait, no. I'm sorry!" Nicki breathed out. "Will!"

Will just ignored her and flipped us off once again as she continued down the hall.

"You ain't right." Rock smiled at Nicki.

"I wasn't laughing 'cause she didn't look nice. I was just really fucking shocked. It's so ridiculous it's laughable."    

"It is a little." I reasoned. "That's Willemina, not Will."

"Stop. That's fucking with my head." Kaylen gasped with her eyes wide.

We all clearly had to do some digesting of our best friend's appearance.

All I could think was that Quincy picked the wrong day to be sick 'cause this was a sight to see.


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