Chapter 7

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You felt something fuzzy moving in your face when you finally gained consciousness again. However, it took a while to comprehend where you were and what happened as your body as well as your head were numb.

Above you, a shaky voice mumbled something like "No...touchy." Then you heard screams and a male voice yelling "demon llama!", whereupon the first voice panicked. "Demon llama?! Where?!"

Another voice screamed and the first one joined in and suddenly the fuzzy thing next to you wriggled away and you heard a thump as if it fell on the ground. A breeze of fresh air touched your face and still woozy you crawled out of that sack towards the fresh air.

You saw Pacha sitting in front of a reddish-brown and black llama, trying to calm it down. Wait, that seemed familiar.

Instantly the memory hit you. Yzma tried to kill Kuzco put gave him a llama potion accidentally instead and then Kronk knocked him out. It seemed they got you too in that one second you didn't pay attention but tried to tell Kuzco that he turned into a llama. Then Kronk should get rid of both of you but he lost the bag and it landed on Pacha's cart and he brought you back to his village. But why was Pacha still there? Shouldn't he have left the capital one day earlier?

"Okay demon llama, just take it easy. I mean you no harm", Pacha's try to calm down the llama turned Emperor brought you back to reality and you hobbled over to them.

"What is going on?", you asked. Your throat felt as dry as a desert.

Pacha turned to you and was clearly surprised to see you. "Y/N?"

"Yeah...? What happened?", time to put your acting skills to the test again.

"I don't know. I opened up this bag which I don't even remember getting and then this llama crawled out of it were in there too?"

You nodded.

Pacha scratched his head. "How...? I didn't notice anything."

"Did you stay longer in the capital? I thought you went back to the village on the same day."

"Oh I wanted to buy some honey but the merchant told me he was out of stock and the next delivery would arrive the next morning. So I stayed one more day."

Oh, that explained why he was still there to bring you back...

"But what-"

He got interrupted by Kuzco's groaning. "What are you talking abou-? Wait", he narrowed his eyes, "I know you, you're that whiny peasant."

As he slowly got up his eyes fell on you standing next to Pacha. "And Y/N?!"

Pacha gasped when he understood who that llama in disguise really was. "Emperor Kuzco...?" You looked at him with faked surprise and shock about how the Emperor could have turned into an animal.

"Yeah! Who do you think you were talking to?", Kuzco answered offended that he didn#t recognize him.

"But you don't look like Kuzco", you said.

"What d you mean I don't look like Kuzco?", he looked at you as if you've gone crazy.

" this", Pacha wiggled with his fingers trying to make Kuzco repeat that action, who rolled his eyes in response but still held up his hand...or hoof in this case.

"What is this, some kind of little game you country folk like to-", he stopped mid-sentence and let out a gasp when he saw that his hand was now a hoof. "What?! It can't be!"

Panicky he looked around, saw a small well, and dashed towards it only to see that his face or more like his body was now that of a llama. 

"My face! My beautiful, beautiful face!", Kuzco whines as he got a major mental breakdown. Pacha kneeled down to comfort him but the llama man didn't even listen.

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