Chapter 12

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„Anyways, that's why I think Draco Malfoy is far more interesting than Harry Potter and that he should've gotten more scenes to appear, in book and movie", you concluded your speech on a certain blonde Slytherin student and took a deep gulp from your mango juice.

Kuzco and Pacha stared at you, perplexity written in their faces. "What was that again with...uh...Volde...Voldemask?", Pacha tried to puzzle the story together."You lost me at Slytherin already", Kuzco muttered under his breath."Voldemort, not Voldemask", you corrected Pacha, "He was the main villain in the series and Draco was forced to follow him because of his parents.""Ah..."

When you and the gang (well if you could count Pacha and Kuzco as a gang) arrived at Mudka's Meat Hut you decided that you should get something real to eat for once. Being stuck in the jungle for the last couple of days put you on an involuntary diet and you were more than happy to be able to fill up your stomach again.Even the problem of Kuzco not being able to enter as he was a llama was quickly solved as he put on a disguise made of Pacha's green poncho and hat.

After ordering you somehow landed during your conversation on the topic of secret talents and the only thing you could think of that quickly was your impersonation of Draco Malfoy. You spent a couple of weeks on Draco TikTok before coming to this world so you had plenty of time to study it. But then you had to explain to Kuzco and Pacha who Draco actually was and what the world of Harry Potter was about. And they didn't quite seem to understand it. Fair enough it was really complicated to explain it in a reasonable amount of time. But other than not understanding it you felt that Kuzco got a bit uncomfortable when you talked about Draco. Maybe not comfortable but...dismissive? Could it be maybe that he was maybe jealous of him when you talked so much about the blonde? No, no that can't be. As if Kuzco would ever get jealous of another person.

"Here's your order", the waitress came back to your table, "Two hot and crispy pillbugs for the couple and the fried chicken for the daughter.""Thank you", you answered politely but the waitress didn't seem to care as she continued her work.

Pacha tapped the bug in front of him with the wooden straw and it popped open revealing something that looked like mashed potatoes but smelled like sweaty feet. You were happy that you went for the fried chicken and tried to concentrate on that but it was rather difficult as Kuzco constantly made disgusting sounds as if he was about to puke. When you looked up you saw his face matching the sounds he made. You would've laughed about it if the smell of bugs wouldn't have made you nauseous. Pacha however mistook Kuzco's disgust for hesitation about how to eat it."Oh here, let me get that for you." He tapped the second bug as well making it also pop open. Now even more disgusted than before, Kuzco threw a grimace and stood up.

"Where are you going?", Pacha asked confused."I'm just gonna slip into the kitchen and have a word with the chef.""You're gonna get us thrown out.""Please", Kuzco rolled his eyes, confidence all over his face, "With this disguise, I'm invisible." He turned around again and strut into the kitchen. A man sitting all alone at the bar looked after him and then to Pacha, giving him thumbs up and an if-you-know-what-I-mean smirk. Awkward....

You faced your chicken again but were quickly interrupted again by two familiar voices. "We've been walking around in circles for who knows how long", a nasty female voice complained, "This is the last time we take directions from a squirrel."Oh shit, Yzma and Kronk already arrived? Damn, maybe Pacha and Kuzco were kind of fine since Kuzco had a disguise and the evil duo didn't know Pacha but they knew you, and let's be honest it was very easy to recognize you. That meant you had to go now."Uh, I'm going to the bathroom", you excused yourself and quickly walked out of the dining area and into the women's bathroom.

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