Chapter 14

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You didn't know how you found Pacha. You really had no idea. By all means, it was the luckiest luck you ever had, to find him on a random llama farm in the middle of Peru. The possibility of pulling two 5-Stars in the same ten-pull-roll in Genshin Impact was even higher.

Must be the Disney magic, you thought as you trailed behind Kuzco and Pacha. Fortunately, the two of them were able to make up again and Pacha in all of his grace and goodness still wanted to help Kuzco to turn back into a human.

You had to force an apology out of the emperor though, as Pacha already forgave him before Kuzco even said something. But since it already disturbed you in the movie that Kuzco didn't apologize even once, you felt you had to make him, to boost his character arc. What a great story director you would make.

Now united together, the three of you hurried to the village to get some equipment for a faster journey back to the capital. On your way through the village, two neighbors playing chess greeted you and said that you've just missed your relatives."Our relatives?", Pacha stopped in his tracks and looked confused at the two old men."Yeah, we just sent them up to your house", one of them nodded his head in a direction up the hill.Pacha exchanged a worried look with you and Kuzco. "What did they look like?""Hmmm", the old man thought about it for a second, "Well you see, there was this big guy and this older woman who was...uhmmm", he stuttered, clearly having difficulties describing the person. "How would you describe her?", he asked his friend."Hmm, scary beyond all reason?", he suggested tapping his chin with one finger."Yeah, that's it!"You saw the shock on Pacha's and Kuzco's faces. Yzma and Kronk already arrived."Quick we have to hurry", the farmer said and ran up the hill. "Thank's for warning me!", he shouted over his shoulder to the old men who simply waved at him."Why are they here?", Kuzco asked confused."They must've noticed somehow that we were together...", Pacha muttered."But how? The last time I've seen them they still had no clue about where to search", the llama said."Maybe someone gave them a clue", you thought out loud, "Or they had an enlightenment late at all comes together or something like this.""Hmm...maybe..."

When you arrived at the hut, Pacha commanded you to stay behind him and keep quiet, as he stuck his head through the window, trying to find his wife. And it seemed he did eventually when he suddenly started making weird noises to get her attention. You were worried for a second that he might have had a heart attack.

After a while, Chicha arrived at the window, and Pacha and you snuck inside, leaving the llama emperor outside."Pacha! Y/N! Where have you been? What happened?", she whispered as he hugged both of you."It's a long story", Pacha told her."Oh yes...", you nodded."I will tell you the details later but the important thing is that Yzma turned Kuzco into a llama and wants to kill him.""Kuzco? You mean the emperor?", Chicha tilted her head confused."Yeah! And we need to bring him back to the capital, find the lab and change him back.""Oh oh...okay."Suddenly Kuzco poked his head through the window. "Hi there!", he waved his hoof, ready to give the best first impression, as always. Chicha, however, obviously trained in martial arts for years, confused him with an intruder in the heat of the moment and hit him with a frying pan straight in the face."Kuzco!", you exclaimed while still trying to keep your voice low, "All you alright?"The llama didn't really move but as he babbled some incomprehensive words, you knew he was fine."Um, that was him", Pacha muttered, to which his wife could only bring up a simple "whoops". "Anyway, can you get us some things from the storage room?", Pacha requested.

 Instantly Chicha scrambled together bags, ropes, food rations, tools, and other stuff while Pacha dictated what was needed. In the meantime, you focussed on waking up the still half unconscious llama.

"Go, I'll stall them long enough for you to get a head start.""Thanks, honey", Pacha gave his wife a kiss on the cheek and started to head back down the hill. As if by command Kuzco shot up and tried to follow him stuttering weird sentences."You have a lovely wife. They're both very pretty."Making sure Kuzco wouldn't fall down the hill while running after Pacha, you followed them after giving Chicha a quick hug.

You made your way back into the jungle as fast as you could. After this adventure was finished you were sure you would need like 3 days of sleep and a very long bath."Hey, was it a good idea to leave your family with those two?", Kuzco asked, worried about what Yzma and Kronk might do."Oh don't worry, they can handle themselves", Pacha assured him.

You smiled as you knew indeed that Pacha's family was amazing at problem-solving and getting rid of unwanted guests. And too bad you would miss the sight of Yzma under a coat of feathers being abused as a pinata. It was something you were hoping to see but you couldn't risk losing your head start.

The way back to the capital was the most intense race you ever experienced. Forget Ninja Warrior or Takeshis Castle, this was the real shit. You were slipping through dirt, crossed a river, where Kuzco luckily saved you from an alligator by kicking him in the head. After that, he boasted for a while how strong his legs were, even though he despised his llama form. You were sure that he would use this to constantly remind you that he was the hero who saved you once and you could see already the smirk on his human face, once you turned him back.

Eventually, you arrived at the cliff where Pacha and you saved Kuzco from that one jaguar pack. You needed to cross the chasm but there was no way to jump over it. Even using a vine, the distance was far too big to come even close.But lucky for you, Pacha was smart enough to plan for this. He dug out a bow and arrow from his bag. Attaching the rope to the arrow he shot it across the chasm to the other side, where it got stuck in a tree. Then tying the other side around another tree, you got a rudimental rope slide, something you knew from your childhood. However, this one was the suicidal version of it.Quickly you crafted some seats to attach them to the rope and one after another you slid over the abyss. You tried not to look down but from the corner of your eyes you could see the river, you once fell in.

Right before you arrived on the other side Kuzco pointed dramatically behind you, horror in his eyes. "They're here already!"You looked around, seeing that Yzma and Kronk caught up to you. Damn, how can this guy run so fast? But then again the answer was probably a daily workout, to which your lazy ass gladly declined. Jumping off your seat you performed an elegant landing, even without falling flat on your face, and ran after Pacha. Kuzco had the brilliant idea to bite through the rope, so Yzma and Kronk wouldn't be able to follow you anymore.

To his surprise, Yzma had a small airplane-glider-like set-up in Whatever you call this thing. It unfolded two wings and they glided smoothly through the air. Well, it was still a nice idea though.But luck was on the protagonist's side as miraculously a single dark cloud appeared out of nowhere above them and a bolt of lightning struck the glider, resulting in the villains falling down the chasm.Cheering about the new lead you proceeded to make your way to the capital.

It was time for the final showdown.

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